Repo maintained by: Kirstin Holsman
Alaska Fisheries Science Center
NOAA Fisheries, Seattle WA
[email protected]
“5th Effects of Climate Change on the World’s Oceans Meeting”
April 16th, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Marine ecosystems are increasingly impacted by multiple climate change and non-climate stressors that are pushing some systems and species towards or past tipping points (critical points where a small change in a pressure or driver can induce a disproportionate change in system dynamics). The goal of this workshop is to draw upon recent PICES and ICES working group efforts to synthesize findings and outputs from recent integrated modeling projects across the globe. In particular, this SCCME/S-CCME (“ICES/PICES The Strategic Initiative on Climate Change Impacts on Marine Ecosystems”) workshop will review evidence and case studies for historical and future tipping points and thresholds in marine ecosystems to help support climate-informed management advice.
Potential Outcomes
- Github repository with example R code for identifying tipping points in marine systems.
- Peer review publication of emergent approaches, case studies, and considerations of tipping points and thresholds for climate informed fisheries and ecosystem management advice.
To run this tutorial first clone the git repository to your local drive:
This set of commands, run within R, downloads the repository and unpacks
it, with the Tipping Points directory structure being located in the
specified download_path
. This also performs the folder renaming
mentioned in Option 2.
# Specify the download directory
main_nm <- "Tipping-Points"
# Note: Edit download_path for preference
download_path <- path.expand("~")
dest_fldr <- file.path(download_path,main_nm)
url <- ""
dest_file <- file.path(download_path,paste0(main_nm,".zip"))
download.file(url=url, destfile=dest_file)
# unzip the .zip file (manually unzip if this doesn't work)
unzip (dest_file, exdir = download_path,overwrite = T)
#rename the unzipped folder from ACLIM2-main to ACLIM2
file.rename(paste0(main_nm,"-main"), main_nm)
Download the full zip archive directly from the Tipping-Points Repo using this link:, and unzip its contents while preserving directory structure.
Important! If downloading from zip, please rename the root
folder from Tipping-Points-main
(in the zipfile) to Tipping-Points
(name used in cloned copies) after unzipping, for consistency in the
following examples.
Your final folder structure should look like this:
If you have git installed and can work with it, this is the preferred method as it preserves all directory structure and can aid in future updating. Use this from a terminal command line, not in R, to clone the full Tipping-Points directory and sub-directories:
gh repo clone kholsman/Tipping-Points
Open R() and used ‘setwd()’ to navigate to the root ACLIM2 folder (.e.g, ~/mydocuments/ACLIM2)
# set the workspace to your local ACLIM2 folder
# e.g.
# setwd( path.expand("~/Documents/GitHub/Tipping-Points") )
# --------------------------------------
tmstp <- format(Sys.time(), "%Y_%m_%d")
main <- getwd() #"~/GitHub_new/Tipping-Points"
# loads packages, data, setup, etc.
## Loading Holsman et al. 2020 dataset from
## --------------------------------
This document provides an overview of accessing, plotting, and demoing Tipping Point analyses. Below are three example vignettes for tipping point analysis : Thresholds analysis courtesy of Kirstin Holsman ([email protected]), IRA courtesy of Manuel Hidalgo ([email protected]), and Stochastic CUSP modelling (SCM) courtesy of Camilla Sguotti ([email protected]).
Below is an example analysis from (Holsman et al. 2020)[] where threshold analysis was used to detect a thermal tipping point in biomass and catch for Bering Sea groundfish.
This approach fits a gam (with or without autocorrelation) to a response variable as a function of an environmental driver (e.g., temperature). The first and second derivatives of the gam are used to detect the presence of a threshold and tipping point. See (Large et al. 2013)[] and (Samhouri et al. 2017)[] for more information and a stepwise approach to threshold analysis.
From Large et al. 2013: “The shape of the relationship between a response and pressure is captured in the smoothing function S(x). Values of the pressure variable that influence the response in a particular direction can be enumerated by recognizing qualities of the shape of the smoothing function. The first derivative Ŝ(x)′ of s(X) indicates regions where a pressure variable causes a negative [Ŝ(x)′, 0] or positive [Ŝ(x)′ . 0] response to an ecological indicator. Further, the second derivative Ŝ(x)″ denotes regions where Ŝ(x)′ changes sign and a threshold is crossed [0 , Ŝ(x)″ . 0]. To measure the uncertainty surrounding both Ŝ(x)′ and Ŝ(x)″, we estimated the first and second derivatives using finite differences for each bootstrap replicated smoothing term sbr(x). Both $\hat{S_i}(x)'$ and$\hat{S_i}(x)''$ were sorted into ascending order and the value of the 2.5% and 97.5% quantiles of $\hat{S_i}(x)'$ and$\hat{S_i}(x)''$ were considered the 95% CI for the first and second derivative of the smoothing function (Buckland, 1984). A significant trend Ŝ(x)′ or threshold Ŝ(x)″ was identified when the 95% CI crossed zero for either derivative.”
Let’s first explore the tipping point calculations using Pacific cod biomass (‘B_thresh_12_2’) or catch (‘C_thresh_12_2’) for scenarios with the 2 MT cap effects (’_13_1’).
# Load setup, packages, functions and data
# Alternatives to play around with:
# ------------------------------------
# change in catch from persistence scenario for P. cod without effects of 2 MT cap
# datIN <- C_thresh_12_2$datIN
# change in Biomass from persistence scenario for P. cod without effects of 2 MT cap
# datIN <- B_thresh_12_2$datIN
# change in catch from persistence scenario for Pollock without effects of 2 MT cap
# datIN <- C_thresh_12_1$datIN
# change in catch from persistence scenario for P. cod with effects of 2 MT cap
datIN <- C_thresh_13_2$datIN
# set the response variable to the % difference in catch (or biomass) relative to the
# persistence scenario, set the driver to TempC
datIN <- datIN%>%dplyr::select(Year,
driver = TempC,
response = delta_var_prcnt,
MC_n , Scenario)
# Add columns for grouping (optional for autocorrelation grouping in gamm)
datIN$rand <- 1
datIN$group <- paste0(datIN$MC_n,"_",datIN$Scenario,"_", datIN$sp)
datIN$groupN <- as.numeric(as.factor(datIN$group))
datIN$YearN <- datIN$Year- min(datIN$Year)+1
# Based on code from E. Hazen and M. Hunsicker WG36 (PICES)
# Fit gam with and without autocorrelation
tmp_gam <- gam(response ~ s(driver,k=t_knots,bs="tp"),data = datIN)
datIN$dev.resid <- residuals(tmp_gam,type='deviance')
# # AR gam
# tmp_gamAR <- gamm(response ~ s(TempC,k=t_knots,bs="tp"),
# random=list(groupN=~1),correlation=corAR1(form=~YearN),data = datIN)
# datIN$dev.resid <- residuals(tmp_gamAR$gam,type='deviance')
# fit the null model
null <- gam(response ~ 1,family='gaussian',data = datIN)
dr <- sum(residuals(tmp_gam)^2)
dn0 <- sum(residuals(null)^2) <- (dn0-dr)/dn0
# from here out use the non-AR gam for the demo
x <- seq(-3,10,.1) # newdata TempC vector
hat <- predict(tmp_gam,, newdata = data.frame(driver=x) )
dd <- datIN%>%mutate(driver = round(driver,2) )%>%select(driver, response)
dd$num <- 1:length(dd[,1])
We now measure uncertainty surrounding each GAM by using a naive bootstrap with random sampling and replacement. For each indicator–pressure combination, bootstrap replicates were selected from the raw data and each was fitted with a GAM.
For pressure–state relationships identified as nonlinear, we define the location of the threshold as the inflection point, that is, the value of the pressure where the second derivative changed sign (Large et al. 2013). For these analyses, we calculated the 95% CI of the smoothing function itself, along with its second derivative, via bootstrapping of the residuals.
# pre-allocate 'NA' Matrix
# ------------------------------------
# TIP: 'boot_nobsIN' is specified in R/setup.R as 1000
# boot_nobsIN <- 500 # uncomment this line if the code is slow
# pre allocate NA Matrix
x <- seq(-3,10,.1) # newdata TempC vector
Deriv1 <-
Deriv2 <-
hatFit <-
hatse <- matrix(NA,boot_nobsIN,length(x))
gmlist <- list()
# set bootstrap iterations to boot_nobsIN
boot_n <- boot_nobsIN # number of bootstrap runs
boot_nobs <- boot_nobsIN # optional subsample, if boot_nobs > sample nobs, is set = sample nobs
knotsIN <- t_knots # number of knots, set to 4 in Holsman et al. 2020
sdmult <- 1 # 1 sd
method <- methodIN # Holsman et al. 2020 used method 2
probIN <- c(.025,.5,.975) # probablities for the quantile ranges
spanIN <- span_set # default set to 0.1
# Run the boot strap
# ------------------------------------
pb <- progress_bar$new(total = boot_n)
for(int in 1:boot_n){
# get bootstraped sub-sample
nobs <- length(dd$num)
if(boot_nobs > nobs)
boot_nobs <- nobs
bootd <- sample_n(dd,boot_nobs,replace = TRUE)
tmpgam <- gam(response~s(driver,k=knotsIN,bs="tp"),data = bootd)
tmpd <- deriv2(tmpgam,simdat=x)
gmlist[[int]] <- tmpgam
Deriv1[int,] <- tmpd$fd_d1
Deriv2[int,] <- tmpd$fd_d2
hatFit[int,] <- predict(tmpgam,,newdata=data.frame(driver=x))$fit
hatse[int,] <- predict(tmpgam,,newdata=data.frame(driver=x))$se
# apply quantiles to bootstrap replicates
D1_se <- apply(Deriv1,2,quantile,probs=probIN)
D2_se <- apply(Deriv2,2,quantile,probs=probIN)
qnt <- apply(hatFit,2,quantile,probs=probIN)
qntse <- apply(hatse,2,quantile,probs=probIN)
nobs <- length(x)
# first to the gam using 1-3 methods
hat_qnt1 <- data.frame(tmp = x,
up = hat$fit+qnt[3,]-qnt[2,],
mn = hat$fit,
dwn = hat$fit+qnt[1,]-qnt[2,],
method = "Method 1")
hat_qnt2 <- data.frame(tmp = x,
up = hat$fit+sdmult*qntse[2,],
mn = hat$fit,
dwn = hat$fit-sdmult*qntse[2,],
method = "Method 2")
hat_qnt3 <- data.frame(tmp = x,
up = hat$fit+sdmult*hat$se,
mn = hat$fit,
dwn = hat$fit-sdmult*hat$se,
method = "Method 3")
geom_ribbon(aes(x=tmp, ymin=dwn, ymax=up,fill=method))+facet_grid(method~.)+
scale_fill_viridis_d(begin = .8, end=0)+
# use method 2
hat_qnt <- hat_qnt2
hat_qnt$smoothed_mn <- predict(loess(mn ~ tmp, data=hat_qnt, span=spanIN))
hat_qnt$smoothed_dwn <- predict(loess(dwn ~ tmp, data=hat_qnt, span=spanIN))
hat_qnt$smoothed_up <- predict(loess(up ~ tmp, data=hat_qnt, span=spanIN))
hat_qnt%>%select(datIN=tmp,up, mn, dwn)%>%mutate(method="not smoothed"),
hat_qnt%>%select(datIN=tmp,up=smoothed_up, mn=smoothed_mn, dwn=smoothed_dwn)%>%mutate(method="smoothed")))+
geom_ribbon(aes(x=datIN, ymin=dwn, ymax=up,fill=method))+
scale_fill_viridis_d(begin = .8, end=0)+
# first derivative quantiles
df1_qnt<-data.frame(tmp = x,
up = D1_se[3,],
mn = D1_se[2,],
dwn = D1_se[1,])
# second derivative quantiles
df2_qnt<-data.frame(tmp = x,
up = D2_se[3,],
mn = D2_se[2,],
dwn = D2_se[1,])
# get difference in signs
getdelta<-function(xx,rnd = rndN2){
nn <- length(xx)
xx <- round(xx,rndN2)
delta <- rep(NA,nn)
updn <- c(0, diff(sign(xx)))
ix <- which(updn != 0)
delta[ix] <- 1
# determine peaks and valleys:
# 10% smoothing span
df1_qnt$smoothed_mn <- predict(loess(mn ~ tmp, data=df1_qnt, span=spanIN))
df1_qnt$smoothed_dwn <- predict(loess(dwn ~ tmp, data=df1_qnt, span=spanIN))
df1_qnt$smoothed_up <- predict(loess(up ~ tmp, data=df1_qnt, span=spanIN))
hat_qnt%>%select(datIN = tmp,up=smoothed_up, mn=smoothed_mn, dwn=smoothed_dwn)%>%mutate(method="a) smoothed gam (s(x))"),
df1_qnt%>%select(datIN = tmp,up=smoothed_up, mn=smoothed_mn, dwn=smoothed_dwn)%>%mutate(method="b) First Deriv (s'(x)")))+
geom_ribbon(aes(x=datIN, ymin=dwn, ymax=up,fill=method))+facet_grid(method~.,scales="free_y")+
scale_fill_viridis_d(begin = .8, end=.1)+
# find thresholds
pks1 <- sort(c(findPeaks(df1_qnt$smoothed_mn),findPeaks(-df1_qnt$smoothed_mn)))
signif1 <- which(!data.table::between(0, df1_qnt$dwn, df1_qnt$up, incbounds=TRUE))
thrsh1 <- intersect(which(!data.table::between(0, df1_qnt$dwn, df1_qnt$up, incbounds=TRUE)),pks1)
# 10% smoothing span
df2_qnt$smoothed_mn <- predict(loess(mn ~ tmp, data=df2_qnt, span=spanIN))
df2_qnt$smoothed_dwn <- predict(loess(dwn ~ tmp, data=df2_qnt, span=spanIN))
df2_qnt$smoothed_up <- predict(loess(up ~ tmp, data=df2_qnt, span=spanIN))
pks2 <- sort(c(findPeaks(df2_qnt$smoothed_mn),findPeaks(-df2_qnt$smoothed_mn)))
pks2_up <- sort(c(findPeaks(df2_qnt$smoothed_up),findPeaks(-df2_qnt$smoothed_up)))
pks2_dwn <- sort(c(findPeaks(df2_qnt$smoothed_dwn),findPeaks(-df2_qnt$smoothed_dwn)))
hat_qnt$sig <- df1_qnt$sig <- df2_qnt$sig <-NA
df2_qnt$sig <- !between(0, df2_qnt$dwn, df2_qnt$up, incbounds=TRUE)
df2_qnt$sig[!df2_qnt$sig] <-NA
signif2 <- which(!between(0, df2_qnt$dwn, df2_qnt$up, incbounds=TRUE))
thrsh2_all <- intersect(signif2,pks2)
thrsh2 <- which(1==10)
plot1<- ggplot(rbind(
hat_qnt%>%select(driver = tmp,up=smoothed_up, mn=smoothed_mn,
dwn=smoothed_dwn,sig)%>%mutate(method="a) smoothed gam (s(x))"),
df1_qnt%>%select(driver = tmp,up=smoothed_up, mn=smoothed_mn,
dwn=smoothed_dwn,sig)%>%mutate(method="b) First Deriv (s'(x)"),
df2_qnt%>%select(driver = tmp,up=smoothed_up, mn=smoothed_mn,
dwn=smoothed_dwn,sig)%>%mutate(method="c) Second Deriv (s''(x)")))+
geom_ribbon(aes(x=driver, ymin=dwn, ymax=up,fill=method))+
scale_fill_viridis_d(begin = .8, end=.1)+
plot1 + geom_mark_rect(aes(x=driver, y=up,fill = sig,label = "sig. range"),color=FALSE)+
geom_vline (xintercept =df2_qnt$tmp[thrsh2], color = "red") +
theme(legend.position="none")+ ylab("")
# --------------------------------------------------
# now use the threshold function to detect thresholds
# --------------------------------------------------
threshold_example <- threshold(
knotsIN = t_knots,
driver = datIN$driver,
response = datIN$response,
boot_nobs = boot_nobsIN,
rndN = rndNIN,
method = methodIN,
boot_n = nitrIN)
Integrative Resilience Analysis’ (IRA) to two case studies: Western Mediterranean and Iberian Seas in the Atlantic (Hidalgo et al 2022, Polo et al. 2022).
From Hidalgo et al. 2022: “The IRA is a three-step methodological framework which applies the concepts of resilience and folded stability landscapes in an empirical multivariate context through the combination of multivariate analysis, non-additive modelling and a resilience assessment (Vasilakopoulos et al., 2017). This way, the IRA elucidates the system dynamics and shift mechanisms in response to external stressors.”
From Polo et al. 2022: “In the IRA framework, the relationship between PCsys and its drivers is assessed using PCsys as response variable in generalized additive models (GAMs) and threshold-GAMs (TGAMs) (Cianelli et al., 2004). Each of the four stressors with 0, 1, and 2 years of lag were used as explanatory variables in separate models. Testing potential lagged effect of the stressors was designed to detect a potential delayed response of the sampled biomass by species. GAMs are models that assume additive and stationary relationships between the response and explanatory variables while TGAMs are GAMs adjusted to account for abrupt changes in the response mechanism (Ciannelli et al., 2004). The basic GAM function used is included in R package mgcv (Wood, 2011). The “genuine” cross-validatory squared prediction error (gCV), a modification of generalized cross validation proposed by Cianelli et al. (2004) that makes the goodness of fit of GAMs and TGAMs comparable, was computed for model selection and estimation of the threshold year.”
The IRA was carried out in R (R Core Team, 2019) using packages vegan (Oksanen et al., 2019), mgcv (Wood, 2017) and akima (Akima et al., 2015).
Code courtesy of Manuel Hidalgo ([email protected])
Apply PCA to the time-species matrix of each studied area to identify the main modes of community variability.PCAs are based on the correlation matrices of the species’ biomass, following log-transformation.
# PV(23.05.18) By Paris Vasilakopoulos (JRC-EU, Ispra, Italy)
# Resilience Assessment
Data <- read.csv("Data/Data.csv", header = TRUE)
Data <- Data%>%
mutate(year = as.numeric(Year),
pc1sys = PC1,
pc1str = chl_win,
pc1str1 = NA,
pc1str2 = NA)
# Create lagged pc1stressor vectors
Data$pc1str1[c(2:NROW(Data))] <- Data$pc1str[c(1:(NROW(Data)-1))]
Data$pc1str2[c(3:NROW(Data))] <- Data$pc1str[c(1:(NROW(Data)-2))]
#get rid of years 1994-1995
Data <- Data[5:NROW(Data),]
Data <- Data%>%select(year,pc1sys,pc1str2)
rownames(Data) <- 1:nrow(Data)
# If x- and y-axis on different scales, now is a good time to standardise it/them
colnames(Data)[3] <- "pc1str"
# z-standardisation carried out here
S1 <- scale(Data$pc1str) #save for back-calculation
Data$pc1str <- as.numeric(scale(Data$pc1str))
Sequential regime shift detection method (STARS), modified to account for temporal autocorrelation is used to detect significant shifts in the mean values of PC1 and PC2. As stated in Hidalgo et al. 2022 “STARS estimates a Regime Shift Index (RSI), that is, a cumulative sum of normalized anomalies relative to each value of the time series analysed, and uses it to test the hypothesis of a regime shift occurring in that year (Rodionov, 2006)”. Hidalgo et al. 2022 use a cut-off length of 3 years and a significant probability threshold of p = 0.05’ Polo et al. 2022 used cut-off length of 15 years.
Now apply GAM and TGAM with lags 0-2 years. Hidalgo et al. 2022 describes the two as ” A GAM describes a system that changes in a continuous way in response to the corresponding change of its stressor(s), while a TGAM represents a system response curve that is folded backwards, forming a fold bifurcation with two tipping points (Figure S1).”.
They further used the following methods:
3.1. “Fit 18 GAMs and 18 TGAMs (3 stressors × 2 seasons × 3 lags) for each system, using either PC1 or PC2 as a response variable.”. The fits of relevant generalized additive models (GAMs) and non-additive threshold GAMs (TGAMs) at 0- to 2-time lags response variable (PC1 or PC2, normalized) to stressors (normalized) were compared.“The effect of the stressors on the system was examined at 0- to 2-year lags to account for a potential delay in the environmental effect on the community sampled given that environmental effects typically influence spawning and early life stages, while the sampled biomass is usually dominated by specimens older than 0 years old.”.
3.2. “Compute the ‘genuine’ cross-validation squared prediction error (genuine CV; gCV), which accounts for the estimation of the threshold line and the estimation of the degrees of freedom for the functions appearing in all additive and non-additive formulations (Ciannelli et al., 2004)” in order to evaluate goodness of fit of GAMs and TGAMs.
# 3.1. fit Tgam and GAMS PC~stressor system
# and Compute the genuine CV (gCV)
# ------------------------------------
# use TGAM with no lag
years.char <- paste((Data$year), sep = "")
TGAM <- threshold.gam(formula(pc1sys~s(pc1str,k=3,by=I(1*(year<=r)))+s(pc1str,k=3,by=I(1*(year>r)))),
a = 0.1,
b = 0.9,
data = Data, = 'year',
nthd = 100)
# identify the threshold year
ggplot(data.frame(rv = TGAM$rv, gcvv = TGAM$gcvv))+
geom_line(aes(x=rv,y=gcvv,color="Regime 1"),size=1.1)+
geom_vline(xintercept = TGAM$mr, color = "gray",size=1.1)+
xlab("Threshold variable")+
#threshold year = 2007
#quick plot of the TGAM fitted vs observed values
Dataup <- Data%>%filter(year<=round(TGAM$mr)) # upper branch years
Datalow <- Data%>%filter(year>round(TGAM$mr)) # lower branch years
m <- gam(pc1sys~s(pc1str, k=3), data=Dataup)
n <- gam(pc1sys~s(pc1str, k=3), data=Datalow)
newdata1 <- data.frame(pc1str=runif(1000,min(Dataup$pc1str), max(Dataup$pc1str)))
newdata2 <- data.frame(pc1str=runif(1000,min(Datalow$pc1str), max(Datalow$pc1str)))
y <- predict.gam(m,newdata1)
z <- predict.gam(n,newdata2)
geom_text(data = Data, aes(x=pc1str,y =pc1sys, label = years.char))+
geom_line(data = newdata1, aes(x=pc1str,y=y,color="Regime 1"),size=1.1)+
geom_line(data = newdata2, aes(x=pc1str,y=z,color="Regime 2"),size=1.1)+
ylim = c(min(Data$pc1sys)-sd(Data$pc1sys)/3,
xlim = c(min(Data$pc1str)-sd(Data$pc1str)/3,
Calculate the position of the tipping point of each regime along the
trajectory of its respective attractor. Note that “the x-coordinates of
the tipping points were set so as to ensure that the lowest Resy
estimate within each regime was equal to zero…The stability landscape
with its alternate basins of attraction emerged through linear
interpolation of all rResy values onto a 100 × 100 grid.” Resy was
scaled by dividing with the maximum value observed to calculate relative
resilience (rRe**sy):
rRe**sy = Resy/max(Resy)
# ----------------------------------------
# Calculate vertical component of resilience
# ----------------------------------------
# here I'm simply using the residuals for this, but one could calculate actual distance
# of point from line (but little effect on the shape of the stability landscape)
Data_prev <- Data # archive # Data <- Data_prev
Data$vc <- abs(TGAM$res$residuals)
# Identify the position of tipping points
# ----------------------------------------
# First tipping point(F1):
Data <- rbind(Data, c("F1",NA,NA,0)) #F1 obviously has vc=0
Data[,2:ncol(Data)] <- sapply(Data[,2:ncol(Data)],as.numeric)
# calculate x-value (pc1str) of F1
# may add -1 here to force tipping year's resilience not to be calculated based on upper branch
ff1 <- which.max(rowSums(Data[1:which(Data$year == round(TGAM$mr)),3:4])+0.1)
ff1 <- names(ff1)
Data[nrow(Data),3]<- -abs(Data[ff1,3])-abs(Data[ff1,ncol(Data)])
# this x-value for F1 ensures that all Res estimates of upper branch will be non-negative.
# 0.05 is arbitrary to give some extra space - can be omitted
# calculate y-value (pc1sys) of F1
o <- gam(pc1sys~s(pc1str, k=3), data=rbind(Dataup,Data[NROW(Data),1:3]))
Data[nrow(Data),2] <- predict.gam(o, newdata=data.frame(pc1str=Data[nrow(Data),3]))
#Second tipping point (F2):
Data <- rbind(Data, c("F2",NA,NA,0))
Data[,2:ncol(Data)] <- sapply(Data[,2:ncol(Data)],as.numeric)
#calculate x-value (pc1str) of F2
ff2 <- which.max(rowSums(Data[which(Data$year == round(TGAM$mr)+1):NROW(Data),3:4]))
ff2 <- names(ff2)
#this x-value for F2 ensures that all Res estimates of lower branch will be non-negative.
#0.05 is arbitrary to give some extra space
#calculate y-value (pc1sys) of F2
p <- gam(pc1sys~s(pc1str, k=3), data=rbind(Datalow,Data[NROW(Data),1:3]))
Data[nrow(Data),2] <- predict.gam(p, newdata=data.frame(pc1str=Data[nrow(Data),3]))
# ----------------------------------------
# calculate the horizontal component of resilience
# ----------------------------------------
Data$hc <- NA
rr <- 1:which(Data$year == round(TGAM$mr))
Data$hc[rr] <- abs(Data$pc1str[nrow(Data)-1]-Data$pc1str[rr])
rr <- which(Data$year == round(TGAM$mr)+1):(nrow(Data)-2)
Data$hc[rr] <- abs(Data$pc1str[rr]- Data$pc1str[nrow(Data)])
Data$hc[(nrow(Data)-1):nrow(Data)] <- 0
#calculate resilience
Data$res <- Data$hc - Data$vc
Data$res[13] = 0 # manually set because it is unclear if part of first or second state
#calculate relative resilience
Data$relres <- Data$res/max(Data$res , na.rm =T)
#prepare line extensions to tipping points
newdata3 <- data.frame(pc1str=runif(100,Data$pc1str[NROW(Data)-1],min(Dataup$pc1str)))
newdata4 <- data.frame(pc1str=runif(100,max(Datalow$pc1str),Data$pc1str[NROW(Data)]))
x <- predict.gam(o,newdata3)
w <- predict.gam(p,newdata4)
# -----------------------------
# stability landscape
# -----------------------------
# adding two theoretical points at the beginning of
# each branch to stabilize the shape of the stability landscape:
# unscale stressors
Data$pc1str <- Data$pc1str * attr(S1, 'scaled:scale') + attr(S1, 'scaled:center')
newdata1$pc1str <- newdata1$pc1str * attr(S1, 'scaled:scale') + attr(S1, 'scaled:center')
newdata2$pc1str <- newdata2$pc1str * attr(S1, 'scaled:scale') + attr(S1, 'scaled:center')
newdata3$pc1str <- newdata3$pc1str * attr(S1, 'scaled:scale') + attr(S1, 'scaled:center')
newdata4$pc1str <- newdata4$pc1str * attr(S1, 'scaled:scale') + attr(S1, 'scaled:center')
#interpolate to build stability landscape
xo=seq(min(Data$pc1str), max(Data$pc1str),length=500)
yo=seq(min(Data$pc1sys), max(Data$pc1sys),length=500)
colnames(xx$z) <- yo
rownames(xx$z) <- xo
xx_df <- suppressWarnings(reshape::melt(xx$z))
#add 1994-95
newdata <- rbind(c("1995",
newdata <- rbind(c("1994",3.166,
Data1 <- Data
Data <- newdata
Data$pc1sys <-as.numeric(Data$pc1sys)
Data$pc1str <-as.numeric(Data$pc1str)
Data$res <-as.numeric(Data$res)
Data$relres <-as.numeric(Data$relres)
#Folded stability landscape
years.char <- paste((Data$year), sep = "")
#So, here's the figure (first version):
df2 <- data.frame(x = newdata2$pc1str[order(newdata2$pc1str)], y= z[order(newdata2$pc1str)])
df1 <- data.frame(x = newdata1$pc1str[order(newdata1$pc1str)], y= y[order(newdata1$pc1str)])
df3 <- data.frame(x = newdata3$pc1str[order(newdata3$pc1str)], y= x[order(newdata3$pc1str)])
df4 <- data.frame(x = newdata4$pc1str[order(newdata4$pc1str)],y= w[order(newdata4$pc1str)])
plot1 <- ggplot() +
geom_contour_filled(data = xx_df, aes(x = X1, y = X2, z = value), alpha=.7,bins=20)+
geom_point(data = Data[(NROW(Data)-1):(NROW(Data)),], inherit.aes = F,
aes(x = pc1str, y = pc1sys),size = 3)+
geom_text(data = Data[1:(NROW(Data)-2),],
aes(x = pc1str,y = pc1sys, label = years.char[1:(NROW(Data)-2)]),
size = 3,
alpha = .7)+
geom_line(data = df1, aes(x=x,y=y),size=1.1)+
geom_line(data = df2, aes(x=x,y=y),size=1.1)+
geom_line(data = df3, aes(x=x,y=y),size=1.1,linetype="dotted")+
geom_line(data = df4, aes(x=x,y=y),size=1.1,linetype="dotted")+
geom_text(data = Data[(NROW(Data)-1),],
aes(x = pc1str,y = pc1sys,label = years.char[(NROW(Data)-1)]),
size = 8,
nudge_x = -.04)+
geom_text(data = Data[NROW(Data),],
aes(x = pc1str,y = pc1sys, label = years.char[NROW(Data)]),
size = 8,
nudge_x = .04)+
xlab("Stressors (chla_win; 2-year lag)")+
ylab("Northern Spain community (PC1sys)")+
**Camilla Sguotti([email protected] & Christian Moellmann([email protected]) **
From Möllmann et al. 2021: “SCM is based on catastrophe theory, popular in the 1970s, but recently rediscovered in a number of research fields including fisheries science.The cusp is one of seven geometric elements in catastrophe theory and represents a 3D surface combining linear and non-linear responses of a state variable to one control variable (called the asymmetry variable) modulated by a second so-called bifurcation variable. In SCM the cusp is represented by a potential function that can be fit to data using the method of moments and maximum likelihood estimators, and the state, asymmetry and bifurcation are canonical variables fit themselves using linear models of observed quantities. Importantly, using SCM we can identify hysteresis by distinguishing between unstable (in fact bistable) and stable states in the dynamics of the cod stock using a statistic called Cardan´s discriminant (see “Methods”). Bistable dynamics exist in the non-linear part of the cusp under the folded curve, where the state variable can flip between the upper and lower shield, also called the cusp area (shaded in light blue in the 3D—Supplementary Fig. S4—and 2D representations of the model surface; Fig. 4a). Outside the cusp area the system is assumed to be stable which indicates a high degree of irreversibility (i.e. hysteresis). As suggested in the SCM literature, we conducted a comprehensive model validation that revealed our fitted SCM to be superior to alternative linear and logistic models, explaining a large portion of the variability in the data and fulfilling additional criteria for this model type to be valid.”
The stochastic cusp model was developed by the mathematician Rene Thom in the 1980s and allows for modeling the dynamics of a state variable depending on two interactive drivers. The model is based on a cubic differential equation extended with a Wiener´s process to add stochasticity.
− V(zt,α,β) = − 1/4zt4 + 1/2β**zt2 + α**zt
where V(zt,α,β) is a potential function whose slope represents the rate of change of the system (the system state variable is called zt), depending on the two control variables (α, β).
− δ**V(z,α,β)/δ**z = (−zt3+β**zt+α)d**t + σzd**Wt
The two control variables, α and β, are the factors that can cause the rise of non-linear discontinuous dynamics.z is the state variable (the variable we want to model) and is modelled as a linear function of for example a a time series of an ecosystem or a population, αis the asymmetry variable that controls the dimension of the state variable. Therefore, if α increases the state variable will change accordingly.Instead, β is the so-called bifurcation variable and can modify the relationship between zt and α from linear and continuous to non-linear and discontinuous.
In the model α, β and z are modelled as linear functions of the original variables we want to fit in the model such as fishing capacity, temperature (SST), ecosystem state of the Northern Adriatic Sea (PC1 and PC2). A combination of different drivers can also be used to model the three factors fitted in the stochastic cusp model.
- α = α0 + α1 Fishing Capacity
- β = β0 + β1 SST
- zt = w0 + w1 State of Northern Adriatic Ecosystem (PC1 and PC2)
where α0, β0 and w0 are the intercepts, and α1,β1 and w1 the slopes of the models.
The stochastic cusp model is thus able to detect three different types of dynamics of the state variable, linear and continuous, non-linear and continuous and discontinuous. Moreover the model compare the stochastic cusp model to two continuous alternatives, a linear model and a logistic model.
For more info see Sguotti et al., 2019, 2022; Moellmann et al., 2022; Diks and Wang 2016, Petraitis et al., 2016; Dakos and Kefi 2022.
Before applying the model we usually do the typical screening (change point analysis, driver-state plots, bimodality of the state variable).This preliminary screening allows us to hypothesize the presence of tipping points in the state variable.
To confirm the presence of tipping points and in particular the presence of hysteresis, we then perform the stochastic cusp model.
#load the dataset: PCA results and drivers of the Northern Adriatic Community. More info about how these data were processed
#can be found in Sguotti et al., 2022 (Journal of Animal Ecology)
# -----------------------------------
# fit the stochastic cusp model
# -----------------------------------
fit_community = cusp(y ~ pc2, alpha ~ Effort, beta ~ SST, data=tot)
#summary of the model ouput
summary(fit_community, logist=T)
#the output show the coefficients of the three variables (alpha, beta and z).
#At the end the output show the results of the three alternative models.
#plot the output. The grey area is the area below the fold or the area where 3 equilibria are possible two stables one unstable
#the blue dots show the high state of the state variable while the greeb dots the small state.
#the dimension of the points show the probability of being in the same state the next year (but more analyses needed to fully understand how this is calculated)
###now I do various steps to improve the visualization of the model.
# ----------------------------------- = fit_community$linear.predictors =$Y = fit_community$y
# calculate Cardan´s discriminant (delta): 27*alpha^2-4beta^3 => this one help us to define the presence of multiple equilibria. = 27*($alpha^2) - 4* ($beta^3)$delta =
# add values of SSB, F and T$ssbpred = (fit_community$fitted.values-fit_community$coefficients[5])/fit_community$coefficients[6]$Fpred = ($alpha-fit_community$coefficients[1])/fit_community$coefficients[2]$Tpred = ($beta-fit_community$coefficients[3])/fit_community$coefficients[4]
# add a column indicating multimodality
MM = ifelse($delta <= 0, "multimod", "stable")$MM = MM$fMM = as.factor($MM)
str($Year = c(1980:2018)
# -----------------------------------
# extract the bifurcation set
# -----------------------------------
# extract the bifurcation set, so the limit of the area below the fold! These in theory are also the values where,
#the tipping points occurred or were supposed to occurr depending on the data <- cusp.bifset($beta) <-
Flow <- ($alpha.l-fit_community$coefficients[1])/fit_community$coefficients[2]
Fup <- ($alpha.u-fit_community$coefficients[1])/fit_community$coefficients[2]$Flow<- Flow$Fup <- Fup <-[!is.nan($Flow),]
table($fMM)#10 stable, 33multimod 76.7% in
# define the area of the bifurcation set (the grey area)
ord1 = order($Flow)
ord2 = order(rev($Fup))
#create the polygons
d = data.frame(x=c($Flow[ord1], rev($Fup)[ord2]),
y =c($Tpred[ord1], rev($Tpred)[ord2]))
#theme to make plot nicer
cami_theme <- function() {
plot.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "white"),
panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white"),
axis.text = element_text(colour = "black", family = "Helvetica", size=8),
plot.title = element_text(colour = "black", face = "bold", size = 10, hjust = 0.5, family = "Helvetica"),
axis.title = element_text(colour = "black", face = "bold", size = 8, family = "Helvetica"),
#panel.grid.major.x = element_line(colour = "dodgerblue3"),
panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank(),
panel.grid.major.y = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor.y = element_blank(),
strip.text = element_text(family = "Helvetica", colour = "white", size=12),
strip.background = element_rect(fill = "black"),
axis.ticks = element_line(colour = "black")
p1 = ggplot( , aes(x=Fpred, y=Tpred)) +
geom_polygon(data=d,aes(x=x,y=y), color="lightblue", fill="lightblue") +
geom_path(color="darkgrey") +
geom_point(, aes(x=Fpred, y=Tpred), size= 3*tot$pc2, col="blue") +
#scale_color_manual(breaks = c("1", "2","3","4"),values=c("#1b7837","#313695", "#d73027","orange","black"))+
geom_text_repel(label=tot$Year, size=3)+
ylab("SST (°C)")+xlab("Fishing Capacity (GT)")+
####### Interpretation from the presentation and Sguotti et al., 2022 (Journal of Animal Ecology)