To quickly reproduce results for DP fine-tuning on CIFAR10, just install the following libraries via pip;
- pytorch
- numpy
- torchvision
- timm
- fastdp from (preferred to opacus for a number of reasons)
- opacus (not preferred)
- tqdm
- prv_accountant
And then just cd into dp_finetuning and run python
. To run the accounting (which can be quite slow) pass sigma=-1
. There are a number of command-line arguments as described below.
To run hyperparameter tuning with the linear scaling rule, run python
For more general experiment reproduction, run the following command:
python {script}.py\
--dataset_path ${0}\
--dataset ${1}\
--lr ${2}\
--epsilon ${3}\
--epochs ${4}\
--arch ${5}\
For conventional CV experiments (ImageNet, CIFAR10, CIFAR100, FashionMNIST, EMNIST, MNIST, STL10, SVHN) {script} = finetune_classifier_dp
. If there are any errors during extracting features please raise a comment to the authors -this
For OOD experiments in Wilds (waterbirds, fmow, domainnet, camelyon) {script} = wilds_finetune_classifier_dp
after following directions in the cited papers to download and split the datasets accordingly.
For OOD experiments transferring from CIFAR10/CIFAR100 first add the "--save_weights"
flag when running a conventional CV experiment, then use {script} = test_transfer
and specify the transfer dataset with --transfer_dataset ${6}
. Make sure to download CIFAR10C/CIFAR100C from the cited paper.
Dependencies (non-exhaustive):
- pytorch
- numpy
- torchvision
- opacus
- timm
- tqdm
- fastdp