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Please refer to each home page listed below, for the License of each extension.
TM2Scratch and TMPose2Scratch are not compatible, so you cannot use them at the same time.
- ML2Scratch You can easily experience and use image recognition with machine learning.
- Posenet2Scratch It can detect a person's posture and get the x and y positions of each part of the body.
- micro:bit More It's more advanced than the micro:bit extension that comes with Scratch and takes advantage of almost all of the sensor and output capabilities that micro:bit has.
- TM2Scratch Image and speech recognition with machine learning based on learning models that can be created with Google Teachable Machine (
- TMPose2Scratch Pose recognition with machine learning based on learning models that can be created with Google Teachable Machine (
- AkaDako(Grove2Scratch) You can program AkaDako which can control Grove's sensors and actuators by simply connecting a USB cable.
- Scratch2Maqueen You can program Maqueen, a graphical programming robot, in real time from Scratch.
- Facemesh2Scratch You can track your face with just a webcam.
- Handpose2Scratch You can track your hands and fingers with just a webcam.
- PaSoRich The IC card reader "PaSoRi" (Pasoli) can be used to read IC cards such as Suica.
- scratch3-qrcode Read the QR code.
- Speech2Scratch converts speech to text using the browser's speech recognition feature.
- ImageClassifier2Scratch Recognizes an object captured by a webcam and determines what it is.
- [iftttWebhooks][] Scratch works with other services via IFTTT.
- NumberBank Numbers can be stored in the cloud.
- LEGO DUPLO Train LEGO DUPLO locomotives can be controlled from Scratch.
- Geo Scratch Geolonia Maps can be controlled from Scratch.