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WindTerm 2.3.1

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@kingToolbox kingToolbox released this 15 Feb 00:40
· 10 commits to master since this release


Version Architecture Operating Systems
WindTerm_2.3.1_Windows_Portable_x86_32 x86_32 Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11
WindTerm_2.3.1_Windows_Portable_x86_64 x86_64 Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11
WindTerm_2.3.1_Mac_Portable_x86_64 x86_64 macOS 10.13, macOS 10.14, macOS 10.15, macOS 11, macOS 12
WindTerm_2.3.1_Linux_Portable_x86_64 x86_64 Generic Linux (glibc 2.17 and later)


Please open dmg file and drag to the Applications folder.


Please use the following command to run the WindTerm after downloading.

tar -xzvf WindTerm_2.3.1_Linux_Portable_x86_64.tar.gz && cd ./WindTerm_2.3.1 && chmod +x ./WindTerm && ./WindTerm


For Windows and Linux, copy or move the profiles folder from the old Windows/Linux version to the new Windows/Linux version and all the sessions and configuration will be restored.

For MacOS, copy or move the profiles folder from the old to the new and all the sessions and configuration will be restored.

The profiles folder is cross-platform.

Known Issues:

  • [ZMODEM] Only support file names contains ASCII characters in Windows, otherwise the file name of the transfered file will be garbled after transmission, but it does not affect the correctness of the file content. Linux and MacOS version does not have this problem.


  • [CHINESE] Update the language file, contributed by MosamXu@github. #246


  • [APP] Added Windows x86_64 version. #213
  • [APP] Added MacOS x86_64 version. #46 #65 #306 #372 #408 #412 #418 #429
  • [APP] Update the third-party libraries and tools to the latest version: #237
    • Qt v5.15.2
    • libssh v0.9.6
    • openssl v1.1.3m
    • pcre2 v10.39
    • spdlog v1.9.2
    • zstd v1.5.2
    • gsudo v1.0.2
    • vcxsrv v1.20.14.0
  • [SHELL] Supports running 64-bit windows shells, like 64-bit cmd, powershell and so on.
  • [SHELL] The Windows version automatically chooses to use ConPty or WinPty depending on the system.
  • [SSH] Use VcXsrv instead of XMing as the X server to improve compatibility, display and performance. #157
  • [GUI] Added support for Unicode 13.
  • [GUI] Supports showing or hiding Toolbar in the focus mode. #331
  • [GUI] Added New Session menu item in the Session pane. #424
  • [GUI] Added Description text edit in the Session dialog. #336 #423
  • [TERM] Supports OSC 8 to set the hyperlink. #160 #413 #453 #454
  • [TERM] Supports OSC 52 to allow clipboard synchronization.
  • [TERM] Supports 8-bit controls IND, NEL, HTS, RI, SS2, SS3, SPA, EPA, SOS, DECID.
  • [TERM] Supports setting the initial modes: #134 #473
    • Auto Wrap Mode (DECAWM)
    • New Line Mode (LNM)
    • Reverse Screen Mode (DECSCNM)
    • Cursor Keys Mode (DECCKM)
    • Numeric Keypad Mode (DECNKM)
  • [SFTP] Supports specifying file creation permissions, the default permissions is 644.
  • [SFTP] Supports specifying fold creation permissions, the default permissions is 755.
  • [SFTP] Supports fixing invalid path characters when downloading and editing files. #371 #383
  • [SFTP] Uploading and downloading files preserves the permissions of the files and folders. #340 #469
  • [SFTP] Uploading and downloading files preserves the timestamp of the files. #445 #487
  • [SESSION] Supports resolving ~ to the user home directory in Windows. #464
  • [SESSION] Supports highlighting timestamps in ISO 8601 and RFC 2822 formats.
  • [SESSION] Supports independent setting of word separators for the alt screen. #252


  • [APP] Added WindTerm.png and WindTerm.desktop created by sakura1943 from archlinux to the Linux version. #320
  • [GUI] Better support for high DPI displays. #80 #251
  • [GUI] Hide the shortcut keys containing Meta in the Windows and Linux systems.
  • [GUI] Modify shortcut keys to conform to the MacOS system standard.
  • [GUI] The default send count of the Sender is changed from infinity to 1. #449
  • [SSH] Supports setting identify files with relative paths. #305
  • [SSH] Automatically clear the automatic login information when modifying the target. #329
  • [TERM] Improve the performance of parsing the control sequences.
  • [TERM] Better support for 7-bit controls (S7C1T) and 8-bit controls (S8C1T).


  • [APP] When a thread exits, the new thread may reuse the local thread variable of the old thread before it is deleted, which will cause a serious random crash.
  • [APP] The application crashes when exiting the focus mode after closing the split group. #307
  • [APP] The application may crash because a large number of unneeded file descriptions are not released in time. #136 #147 #186 #255 #370
  • [APP] The application may crash for reading a destroyed widget's pointer on exit.
  • [GUI] The user interface is not displayed properly when the screen changed. #230 #348
  • [GUI] When the Explorer pane is hidden and displayed again, the text in the list is displayed incomplete. #256
  • [SFTP] The default text editor cannot be specified in MacOS. #470
  • [SHELL] When using the shells started by gsudo, gsudo does not handle the key ctrl+c correctly. #48

Bug Fixes in Version 2.3.1 (2022-02-22):

  • [GUI] Toolbar icons did not scale correctly on screens with different resolutions. #256 #348 #463
  • [GUI] After clearing the automatic login information, modifying host or port will cause the connect and save buttons to be disabled.
  • [GUI] MessageBar supports copying text. #492
  • [GUI] Added tooltips to the Window Date/Time Format input boxes in the Session Settings dialog to describe the date/time format.
  • [LOG] The parameter %h of the log content template was not correctly parsed as Host Address.
  • [LOG] The precision of the timestamp has been improved to 1ms. #497
  • [LOG] The timestamp recorded in the log does not match the timestamp displayed. #497 #511
  • [SHELL] In MacOS and Linux systems, processes configured with multiple parameters cannot run. #259
  • [SESSION] Session host cannot contain @ character. #512
  • [SESSION] The painted 24-bit colorbar has many tiny gaps.

Roadmap of v2.4 (Mid-March, for reference only)

  • Dynamic memory compression
  • Improved Filer
  • Improved XServer
  • Improved SSH tunnels
  • Move Caret By Mouse #239
  • Free Type Mode
  • Automatic Completion (Postponed to a later version )
  • Command Snippet Description (Postponed to a later version )
  • SSH GSSAPI Authentication (Postponed to a later version )
  • SSH Agent Forwaring (Postponed to a later version )
  • New memory allocator and manager and garbage collector. (Postponed to a later version )
  • Search in sessions. (Postponed to a later version )

Version 2.4.0 Prerelease 2 (2022-4-12)

If you want, you can try WindTerm 2.4.0 Prerelease 2 now. Currently only the Windows x86_64 version is available.