This is a working tutorial for setting up your first Ruby App.
- Ruby
- Bundler
- mySql
I am using rbenv and ruby-build. Others may use rvm or some other Ruby version manager.
To get these tools, I'm using homebrew
brew install rbenv
brew install ruby-build
Check what the latest version is either on Ruby-lang or through rbenv
rbenv install --list
Then install whichever version you want:
rbenv install 2.3.1
You will need to run rehash
to install shims.
rbenv rehash
And then set global ruby to use whichever version you want.
rbenv global 2.3.1
Bundler is the best way to manage your Gemfile
gem install bundler
You probably don't need docs cause they're much better online.
gem install rails --no-ri --no-rdoc
Using cloud9 Follow this guide On Mac, I'm using homebrew
brew install mysql
mysql.server start
bundle install
rails server
Or in cloud9
rails s -b $IP -p $PORT -e c9
To get the same database as is in a certain project, follow the instructions here.
Most of the commits represent a lesson, to follow along go through each of the commits to see what the lesson entails. Most of them are explained pretty well through the commit message.
One of the most powerful features of Rails is the ability to generate scaffolding.
To see what kind of generation you can perform
rails generate
rails generate controller <controllerName> <viewName>
Create a database in mysql
- Login
mysql -u root
- Create database
CREATE simple_cms_development;
- Switch to new database
USE simple_cms_development;
- Create a new user and password so you don't have to use root for everything.
CREATE USER 'whateverUsernameYouDesire'@'localhost';
Give permissions to user.
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON simple_cms_development.*
TO 'whateverUsernameYouDesire'@'localhost'
IDENTIFIED BY 'whateverPasswordYouDesire';
To grant permissions to everything user
TO 'whateverUsernameYouDesire'@'localhost'
IDENTIFIED BY 'whateverPasswordYouDesire';
You can now check the privileges of that user.
SHOW GRANTS FOR whateverUsernameYouDesire@localhost;
- Exit the application and sign in with new user and connect to simple_cms_development database.
mysql -u whateverUsernameYouDesire -p simple_cms_development
This will create a schema dump file: 'db/schema.rb' Even if you don't have any tables, this command can be used to ensure the database configuration in database.yml is correct. If not, it will throw an error.
rake db:schema:dump
Rake helps perform tasks by running scripts. You can use it to perform many types of tasks by through rails, as well as add your own custom scripts by adding new ones to /Rakefile. To see what kind commands are available in the root of your application types
rake -T
To drill down into rake db tasks,
rake -t db
You can also add an environmental variable to the rake command to specify certain conditions.
The most common one being RAILS_ENV=production
rake db:schema:dump RAILS_ENV=production'
or for cloud9,
rake db:schema:dump RAILS_ENV=c9'
Migrations are Ruby's way of interacting with the database schema using Ruby code.
rails generate migration MyMigrationName
Generating a model will also generate an associated migration. In this case the associated migration would be named with the timestamp and then _create_model_names.rb
rails generate model ModelName
For any of the rake
commands in cloud9, append RAILS_ENV=c9
Rake will create the tables we have specified in our migration files, and add entries for each of the migrations keyed by their timestamp.
rake db:migrate
View the migrations in the database under the schema_migrations table.
SELECT * FROM schema_migrations;
This will take down all of your migrations.
rake db:migrate VERSION=0
To see if migrations are up or down
rake db:migrate:status
You can go through the migrations sequentially by using VERSION= of whatever version. So if you only wanted to run the Create users migration, you'd enter
rake db:migrate VERSION=20160917170621
From the root of your application, you can perform tasks using your application
to models and the database through rails console
rails console
Or for short
rails c
To specify enironment:
rails console c9
For more info, check out Rails Console.
Controllers and crud information can be found here.