Build a test automation framework:
UI task:
Design a test suite for login functionality on (existing user credentials are displayed on the page);
API task:
Go to
Get user credentials from GET single user endpoint request Using the credentials implement an E2E scenario for registration & login and verify that every endpoint returns the correct token.
Selection of the base Spring Boot or the base configuration:
- Tasks don't require interaction with complicated technologies/frameworks, communication with databases or etc., therefore the base configuration is enough to complete this challenge.
JUnit or TestNG:
- TestNG is modern and flexible framework, which allows creating step-by-step tests and provides simple configuration for suites.
- JUnit is also good framework for testing, but mostly it uses for unit-testing.
- Allure is the framework that helps to check results of testing or any changes in results. It provides simple UI and has integration with Jenkins.
The first step is to determine frameworks to communicate with interfaces from tasks:
UI task:
- Selenium WebDriver
- Selenium WebDriver is one of the leaders in test automation for WebUI, which provides the opportunity to open browser, find necessary elements by Xpath, id, text or functionality of the element and interact with them.
- Selenium WebDriver provides the ability to wait for an element/page without interrupting, unlike Thread.sleep(), which makes test execution very fast.
- Selenium WebDriver
API task:
REST Assured
- This framework provides communication with RESTful services and allows to log everything. With this framework very easy to build a request and determine necessary attributes for response. It's also very simple to get data and deserialize them.
Jackson Databind
- This framework is necessary for reading JSON and covert into Java Objects.
- This framework simplifies the code by reducing the need to write getters/setters or constructors for each field of the class.
The second step is to determine how to write code very simple to another could understand it very quick and how to write code by optimize way.
- Page Object is the pattern for WebUI testing, which reduces the amount of duplicated code and if the UI changes, the fix need only be applied in one place.
- Facade design pattern helps to hide the complexities of the larger system and provides a simpler interface. It's very important for teamwork to read the realization of tests very quick and reuse some functions in another tests. This pattern also helps to minimize code length.
- Randomization of tests is necessary to provide different tests that might detect some bugs in the system.
The third step is to prepare all necessary objects, classes and JSONs:
- There might be a lot of tests that use same methods and variables, therefore it's important to take care of general classes in advance, which contains everything necessary.
- Before cover scenarios by automation tests, it's necessary to examine the documentation for input and output data and prepare their models in the framework.
- On the big projects its more preferable to use Spring, because there can be a lot of environments, certain data (passwords, urls, certificates) and dependencies. Some frameworks are easier to use with Spring.
- All interactions with additional frameworks(e.g. kafka, jdbc, etc.) are easy to realize in as a base of framework for testing.
- The more tests appear, the more smoke-tests are necessary.
- It's also possible to connect Log4j for certain logging.
- RandomHelper will also grow as necessary.
Tests are easy to execute not only locally, but also from Jenkins with command "mvn clean test -Dsuite=${suite}", where "suite" is the variable of suite name without "testng-". E.g. mvn clean test -Dsuite=api