In this tutorial, we will learn how to run inference efficiently using OpenVX and OpenVX Extensions. The tutorial will go over each step required to convert a pre-trained neural net model into an OpenVX Graph and run this graph efficiently on any target hardware. In this tutorial, we will also learn about AMD MIVisionX which delivers open source implementation of OpenVX and OpenVX Extensions along with MIVisionX Neural Net Model Compiler & Optimizer.
- MIVisionX Model Compiler & Optimizer
- Prerequisites
- Usage
- Supported Pre-Trained Model Formats
- Sample-1: Classification Using Pre-Trained ONNX Model
- Sample-2: Detection Using Pre-Trained Caffe Model
- Sample-3: Classification Using Pre-Trained NNEF Model
Neural Net Model Compiler & Optimizer converts pre-trained neural network models to MIVisionX runtime code for optimized inference.
Pre-trained models in ONNX, NNEF, & Caffe formats are supported by the model compiler & optimizer. The model compiler first converts the pre-trained models to AMD Neural Net Intermediate Representation (NNIR), once the model has been translated into AMD NNIR (AMD's internal open format), the Optimizer goes through the NNIR and applies various optimizations which would allow the model to be deployed on to target hardware most efficiently. Finally, AMD NNIR is converted into OpenVX C code, which could be compiled and deployed on any targeted hardware.
- Ubuntu
or CentOS7
- ROCm supported hardware
- AMD Radeon GPU or AMD APU required
- Latest ROCm
- Build & Install MIVisionX
MIVisionX provides developers with docker images for Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 20.04, CentOS 7, & CentOS 8. Using docker images developers can quickly prototype and build applications without having to be locked into a single system setup or lose valuable time figuring out the dependencies of the underlying software.
Check docker prerequisites
Start docker with display
% sudo docker pull mivisionx/ubuntu-20.04:latest
% xhost +local:root
% sudo docker run -it --device=/dev/kfd --device=/dev/dri --cap-add=SYS_RAWIO --device=/dev/mem --group-add video --network host --env DISPLAY=unix$DISPLAY --privileged --volume $XAUTH:/root/.Xauthority --volume /tmp/.X11-unix/:/tmp/.X11-unix mivisionx/ubuntu-20.04:latest
- Test display with MIVisionX sample
% export PATH=$PATH:/opt/rocm/bin
% export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/rocm/lib
% runvx /opt/rocm/share/mivisionx/samples/gdf/canny.gdf
Use MIVisionX Neural Net Model Compiler & Optimizer to generate OpenVX code from your pre-trained neural net model. The model compiler generates annmodule.cpp & annmodule.h during the OpenVX code generation. The whole process of inference from a pre-trained neural net model will be shown in 3 different samples below.
- Download or train your own
Caffe Model
/ONNX Model
/NNEF Model
Use MIVisionX Model Compiler to generate OpenVX C Code from the pre-trained models.
Note: MIVisionX installs all the model compiler scripts in
- Convert the pre-trained models into AMD NNIR model:
* Caffe Models
% python3 /opt/rocm/libexec/mivisionx/model_compiler/python/ <net.caffeModel> <nnirOutputFolder> --input-dims <n,c,h,w> [--verbose <0|1>]
* ONNX Models
% python3 /opt/rocm/libexec/mivisionx/model_compiler/python/ <onnxModel> <nnirOutputFolder> [--input_dims n,c,h,w (optional)]
* NNEF Models
% python3 /opt/rocm/libexec/mivisionx/model_compiler/python/ <nnefInputFolder> <outputFolder>
- Convert an AMD NNIR model into OpenVX C code:
% python3 /opt/rocm/libexec/mivisionx/model_compiler/python/ <nnirModelFolder> <nnirModelOutputFolder>
Classification | Detection | Segmentation |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
Once the OpenVX code is generated(annmodule.cpp & annmodule.h), follow the instructions below to build the project.
- Clone this Project
% git clone
- Copy the files (annmodule.cpp & annmodule.h) generated by the model compiler into this project's module_files folder.
% cp PATH/To/annmodule.h PATH/To/MIVisionX-Inference-Tutorial/module_files/
% cp PATH/To/annmodule.cpp PATH/To/MIVisionX-Inference-Tutorial/module_files/
- Build this project
% mkdir build
% cd build
% cmake ../MIVisionX-Inference-Tutorial
% make
Classification | Detection |
![]() |
![]() |
./classifier --mode <1/2/3 - 1:classification 2:detection 3:segmentation> [required]
--video/--capture/--image <video file>/<0>/<image file> [required]
--model_weights <model_weights.bin> [required]
--label <label text> [required]
--model_input_dims <c,h,w - channel,height,width> [required]
--model_output_dims <c,h,w - channel,height,width> [required]
--model_name <model name> [optional - default:NN_ModelName]
--add <Ax,Ay,Az - input preprocessing factor> [optional - default:0,0,0]
--multiply <Mx,My,Mz - input preprocessing factor> [optional - default:1,1,1]
[usage help] --help/--h
Use Classification labels or Detection labels or Segmentation Labels files in the data folder depending on the type of model you are converting to OpenVX
Run inference on pre-recorded video with this option.
Run inference on an image with this option.
Run inference on the live camera feed with this option.
Note: --video/--capture/--image options are not supported concurrently
- Caffe
Step 1: Clone MIVisionX Inference Tutorial Project
% cd && mkdir sample-1 && cd sample-1 % git clone
- MIVisionX needs to be pre-installed
- MIVisionX Model Compiler & Optimizer scripts are at
- ONNX model conversion requires ONNX install using
pip install onnx
Step 2: Download pre-trained SqueezeNet ONNX model from ONNX Model Zoo - SqueezeNet Model
% wget % tar -xvf squeezenet.tar.gz
Note: pre-trained model -
Step 3: Use MIVisionX Model Compiler to generate OpenVX files from the pre-trained ONNX model
- Convert .onnx to NNIR
% python3 /opt/rocm/libexec/mivisionx/model_compiler/python/ squeezenet/model.onnx squeezenet-nnir
- Convert NNIR to OpenVX
% python3 /opt/rocm/libexec/mivisionx/model_compiler/python/ squeezenet-nnir/ squeezenet-openvx
- annmodule.cpp & annmodule.h generated in squeezenet-openvx folder
- weights.bin generated in squeezenet-openvx folder is used for the classifier --model_weights option
Step 4: Copy the annmodule.cpp & annmodule.h files into module_files folder. CMake and build this project
- Copy OpenVX generated code
% cp ~/sample-1/squeezenet-openvx/annmodule.h ~/sample-1/MIVisionX-Inference-Tutorial/module_files/ % cp ~/sample-1/squeezenet-openvx/annmodule.cpp ~/sample-1/MIVisionX-Inference-Tutorial/module_files/
- CMake and build
% mkdir ~/sample-1/build % cd ~/sample-1/build/ % cmake ../MIVisionX-Inference-Tutorial/ % make
Step 5: Use the command below to run the classifier
- View classifier usage
% ./classifier --help
- Run SqueezeNet Classifier
% ./classifier --mode 1 --video ../MIVisionX-Inference-Tutorial/data/images/img_05.JPG --model_weights ../squeezenet-openvx/weights.bin --label ../MIVisionX-Inference-Tutorial/data/sample_classification_labels.txt --model_input_dims 3,224,224 --model_output_dims 1000,1,1 --model_name SqueezeNet_ONNX
Step 1: Clone MIVisionX Inference Tutorial Project
% cd && mkdir sample-2 && cd sample-2 % git clone
- MIVisionX needs to be pre-installed
- MIVisionX Model Compiler & Optimizer scripts are at
Step 2: Download pre-trained Tiny YoloV2 caffe model - yoloV2Tiny20.caffemodel
% wget
Step 3: Use MIVisionX Model Compiler to generate OpenVX files from the pre-trained caffe model
- Convert .caffemodel to NNIR
% python3 /opt/rocm/libexec/mivisionx/model_compiler/python/ yoloV2Tiny20.caffemodel yoloV2-nnir --input-dims 1,3,416,416
- Convert NNIR to OpenVX
% python3 /opt/rocm/libexec/mivisionx/model_compiler/python/ yoloV2-nnir yoloV2-openvx
- annmodule.cpp & annmodule.h generated in yoloV2-openvx folder
- weights.bin generated in yoloV2-openvx folder is used for the classifier --model_weights option
Step 4: Copy the annmodule.cpp & annmodule.h files into module_files folder. CMake and build this project
- Copy OpenVX generated code
% cp ~/sample-2/yoloV2-openvx/annmodule.h ~/sample-2/MIVisionX-Inference-Tutorial/module_files/ % cp ~/sample-2/yoloV2-openvx/annmodule.cpp ~/sample-2/MIVisionX-Inference-Tutorial/module_files/
- CMake and build
% mkdir ~/sample-2/build % cd ~/sample-2/build/ % cmake ../MIVisionX-Inference-Tutorial/ % make
Step 5: Use the command below to run the classifier
- View classifier usage
% ./classifier --help
- Run YoloV2 Classifier
% ./classifier --mode 2 --video ../MIVisionX-Inference-Tutorial/data/videos/amd_video_01.mp4 --model_weights ../yoloV2-openvx/weights.bin --label ../MIVisionX-Inference-Tutorial/data/sample_detection_labels.txt --model_input_dims 3,416,416 --model_output_dims 125,12,12 --model_name YoloV2_Caffe --multiply 0.003922,0.003922,0.003922
- Tiny YoloV2 input needs to be preprocessed
- Use the
option to preprocess the input by a factor1/255
Step 1: Clone MIVisionX Inference Tutorial Project
% cd && mkdir sample-3 && cd sample-3 % git clone
- MIVisionX needs to be pre-installed
- MIVisionX Model Compiler & Optimizer scripts are at
- NNEF model conversion requires NNEF python parser installed
Step 2: Download pre-trained VGG 16 NNEF model
% mkdir ~/sample-3/vgg16 % cd ~/sample-3/vgg16 % wget % tar -xvf vgg16.onnx.nnef.tgz % cd ~/sample-3/
Step 3: Use MIVisionX Model Compiler to generate OpenVX files from the pre-trained caffe model
- Convert .nnef to NNIR
% python3 /opt/rocm/libexec/mivisionx/model_compiler/python/ vgg16/ vgg16-nnir
- Convert NNIR to OpenVX
% python3 /opt/rocm/libexec/mivisionx/model_compiler/python/ vgg16-nnir/ vgg16-openvx
- annmodule.cpp & annmodule.h generated in vgg16-openvx folder
- weights.bin generated in vgg16-openvx folder is used for the classifier --model_weights option
Step 4: Copy the annmodule.cpp & annmodule.h files into module_files folder. CMake and build this project
- Copy OpenVX generated code
% cp ~/sample-3/vgg16-openvx/annmodule.h ~/sample-3/MIVisionX-Inference-Tutorial/module_files/ % cp ~/sample-3/vgg16-openvx/annmodule.cpp ~/sample-3/MIVisionX-Inference-Tutorial/module_files/
- CMake and build
% mkdir ~/sample-3/build % cd ~/sample-3/build/ % cmake ../MIVisionX-Inference-Tutorial/ % make
Step 5: Use the command below to run the classifier
- View classifier usage
% ./classifier --help
- Run VGG-16 Classifier
% ./classifier --mode 1 --video ../MIVisionX-Inference-Tutorial/data/images/img_01.JPG --model_weights ../vgg16-openvx/weights.bin --label ../MIVisionX-Inference-Tutorial/data/sample_classification_labels.txt --model_input_dims 3,224,224 --model_output_dims 1000,1,1 --model_name VGG16_NNEF
Step 1: Clone MIVisionX Inference Tutorial Project
% cd && mkdir sample-4 && cd sample-4 % git clone
- MIVisionX needs to be pre-installed
- MIVisionX Model Compiler & Optimizer scripts are at
Step 2: Download pre-trained VGG 16 caffe model - VGG_ILSVRC_16_layers.caffemodel
% wget
Step 3: Use MIVisionX Model Compiler to generate OpenVX files from the pre-trained caffe model
- Convert .caffemodel to NNIR
% python3 /opt/rocm/libexec/mivisionx/model_compiler/python/ VGG_ILSVRC_16_layers.caffemodel vgg16-nnir --input-dims 1,3,224,224
- Convert NNIR to OpenVX
% python3 /opt/rocm/libexec/mivisionx/model_compiler/python/ vgg16-nnir vgg16-openvx
- annmodule.cpp & annmodule.h generated in vgg16-openvx folder
- weights.bin generated in vgg16-openvx folder is used for the classifier --model_weights option
Step 4: Copy the annmodule.cpp & annmodule.h files into module_files folder. CMake and build this project
- Copy OpenVX generated code
% cp ~/sample-4/vgg16-openvx/annmodule.h ~/sample-4/MIVisionX-Inference-Tutorial/module_files/ % cp ~/sample-4/vgg16-openvx/annmodule.cpp ~/sample-4/MIVisionX-Inference-Tutorial/module_files/
- CMake and build
% mkdir ~/sample-4/build % cd ~/sample-4/build/ % cmake ../MIVisionX-Inference-Tutorial/ % make
Step 5: Use the command below to run the classifier
- View classifier usage
% ./classifier --help
- Run VGG-16 Classifier
% ./classifier --mode 1 --capture 0 --model_weights ../vgg16-openvx/weights.bin --label ../MIVisionX-Inference-Tutorial/data/sample_classification_labels.txt --model_input_dims 3,224,224 --model_output_dims 1000,1,1 --model_name VGG16_Caffe