During web application penetration testing, often the reflection of a user controlled value can lead to vulnerabilities such as Cross-Site Scripting, SQL Injection, and Cache Poisoning. Although there are many tools that can scan and identify the reflection of URL parameters (x8 XSStrike), few are able to do the same for HTTP headers.
requestFlect works by testing a variety of HTTP headers such as the "X-Forwarded-Host" , "X-Original-Url", and "Origin" headers for reflection in the HTTP response body and headers. It is also able to to probe a server for cookie setting requests and then test values of those cookies for reflection. CORS misconfigurations will also be detected and reported.
Scan a website for the value "testforreflection" reflected in the cookies or in the response to the 20 included header set tests:
# ./requestFlect.py -a -k "testforreflection" https://www.example.com
Scan a website using a specific header set test (see code)
# ./requestFlect.py -m 10 -k "testforreflection" https://www.example.com
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Version 1.0
kiyell (https://github.com/kiyell)
[-h] [-m method] [-c] [-a] [-k keyword] [-n] input_url
requestFlect probes webservers for reflections of user input in request
headers and cookies. It also detect problems with CORS configurations.
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m method, --method method
HTTP header reflection specific method test
-c, --cookie Cookies reflection test
-a, --all Run both cookies and all method reflection tests
-k keyword, --keyword keyword
Keyword to inject and test for reflection
-n, --no-color Output without color
Example: python ./requestFlect.py -k teststring -m 6 https://google.com
Detecting Cache Poisoning possibility by sending two HTTP Host headers Portswigger Lab Example