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Ring Buffer

The RingBuffer class is a thread-safe concurrent queue that supports multiple writers (producers) and multiple readers (consumers). The RingBuffer also has optimizations for single writers, single readers, and single writers that do batch insertion.

Class Template Parameters

template <typename T, std::size_t log_n_elements, typename Traits>
class RingBuffer;

T is the contained type. T does not have to be default constructable, but it does require either a move constructor or a copy constructor, and a move assignment operator or a copy assignment operator.

log_n_elements is the base 2 logarithm for the capacity of the RingBuffer. For example, a value of 10 will create a RingBuffer with a capacity of 210 = 1024 elements.

Traits is a struct that must have the following static members:

  • A ProducerTraits enum named producer_traits
  • A ConsumerTraits enum named consumer_traits
  • A LockTraits enum named lock_traits

ProducerTraits can take on the following values:

  • multiple_producers: to allow for multiple threads to write to the RingBuffer.
  • single_producer: to optimize when there is only a single thread writing to the RingBuffer.

Setting single_producer and then writing with multiple threads leads to undefined behavior.

ConsumerTraits can take on the following values:

  • multiple_consumers: to allow for multiple threads to read from the RingBuffer.
  • single_consumer: to optimize when there is only a single thread reading from the RingBuffer.

Setting single_consumer and then reading with multiple threads leads to undefined behavior.

LockTraits can take on the following values:

  • auto_detect: which allows the RingBuffer to automatically choose the locking strategy.
  • spin_lock: use a spin-lock in certain sections of the queue. If the contained type can throw exceptions, using this locking method leads to undefined behavior.
  • lock_free: use a lock-free algorithm.


  • RingBuffer(): creates an empty queue.
  • LockTraits get_lock_traits() (static): returns an enum of the lock traits.
  • bool empty() const (thread-safe): returns true if the queue is empty.
  • bool full() const (thread-safe): returns true if the queue is full.
  • index_t size() const (thread-safe): returns the number of elements in the queue.
  • index_t capacity() (static): returns the capacity of the queue.
  • bool try_push(const T& t) (thread-safe): Attempts to copy into the queue. Returns false if the queue is full.
  • bool try_push(T&& t) (thread-safe): Attempts to move into the queue. Returns false if the queue is full.
  • void push(const T& t) (thread-safe): Copies into the queue, waiting until there is room.
  • void push(T&& t) (thread-safe): Moves into the queue, waiting until there is room.
  • bool try_push_batch(Iterator first, Iterator last) (thread-safe for one producer): Attempts to insert a range of values into the queue. If using a move iterator, it will attempt to move.
  • void push_batch(Iterator first, Iterator last) (thread-safe for one producer): Inserts a range of values into the queue. If using a move iterator, it will attempt to move. If using random access iterators, the range may be larger than the queue capacity.
  • void emplace(Args&&... args) (thread-safe): Attempts to insert T as built in-place by forwarding args.
  • bool try_pop(T& ret) (thread-safe): Attempts to place the next item into ret. Returns false if the queue is empty.
  • T pop() (thread-safe): Returns the next item in the queue, waiting until there is data.
  • void pop(T& ret) (thread-safe): Returns the next item in the queue in ret, waiting until there is data.

Exception Safety

The following do not throw exceptions:

  • get_lock_traits()
  • empty()
  • full()
  • size()
  • capacity()

The following meet the strong exception guarantee (exceptions may be thrown, but the (apparent) state of the container is unchanged) when using the lock-free mode. Exceptions are propagated from the contained type's constructors or assignment operators. Exceptions in the spin-lock mode lead to undefined behavior.

  • try_push(const T& t)
  • try_push(T&& t)
  • push(const T& t)
  • push(T&& t)
  • emplace(Args&&... args)

The following meet the basic exception guarantee (exceptions may be thrown, leaving the container in a consistent state, but the popped data is lost) owing to the return semantics of the container.

  • try_pop(T& ret)
  • pop()

Efficiency Notes

Ideally, the contained type has a noexcept move constructor and a noexcept move assignment operator. This will lead to better performance.

If the type does have noexcept specifications, the RingBuffer will use a spin-lock by default. If the container capacity is large, you may get better performance explicitly setting lock-free traits.

The default multi-producer/multi-consumer traits will work in all cases, but if there is one producer, one consumer, or both one producer and one consumer, you will get a slight performance improvement by setting the traits appropriately.


A C++ lock-free ring buffer with contiguous memory






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