A smooth carousel to collect user preferences in Javascript.
Processing Library Template for Gradle and IntelliJ
what if code i wrote was only for the people i love?
An open-source creative coding course that uses SwiftProcessing.
Documents and guides that might be useful for People working at Universities in connection with Open Source
Last publicly available revision of the world's first web browser. This is a source import from 0.15 for NextStep. Originally written by @timbl.
Creative Coding: Generative Art, Data visualization, Interaction Design, Resources.
Repository for the class MIT Information Design and Visualization
The ITP/IMA Community Guidelines is an evolving work-in-progress document that establishes and communicates the commitment of the ITP/IMA community to uphold a key set of standards and obligations …
Open source, experimental, and tiny tools roundup
In this workshop you will learn the in[put]s && out[put]s of creating an open source project. Participants will design speculative artware (software art) projects (no code, just ideas) around which…
Procedurally generated Chinese landscape painting.
Interface which allows you to use BoofCV in Processing .
A multi-touch and mouse GUI Library for p5.js
Multi-device, multiplayer game template using p5.js, node.js, and
Syllabus for ITP Foundation Course Introduction to Computational Media, Fall 2019
Syllabus for ITP Foundation Course Introduction to Computational Media
Archived p5.js website 2015-2024
Syllabus for Introduction to Machine Learning for the Arts at IMA / Tisch / NYU.
Image annotation site and API to enable the distributed annotation of museum images.
p5.js website built using Node.js, Grunt, YAML and Assemble
Materials for Processing for Artists Workshop
Open source education materials for educators and artists working with STEAM subjects
Syllabus for ITP course about Open Source