kk WordPress Theme built with npm, webpack, ACF Pro and WP Rocket.
Request Feature
bergauf is the default WordPress Theme 2024 by Christopher Linnemann / kreativkarussell.
- pnpm - package manager for node.js
- webpack Laravel Mix - open-source module bundler
- ACF Pro - Advanced Custom Fields for building stable custom blocks for WordPress Gutenberg Editor
- Clone, download or copy the theme
- Use
pnpm install
to install the required node modules - Optional: Import blocks from https://github.com/kreativkarussell/_bergauf-blocks
Go to /wp-content/themes/bergauf/
- Use
pnpm watch
to start the watcher
or - Use
pnpm dev
to compile once
or - Use
pnpm prod
to compile, minify and create gzip/brotli-variants for css/js once (before going live and after every css/js changing)
URL: /kk-login || kk-login.php
User: kreativkarussell
Pass: kk#newsh!t2022
- WordPress >= 6.3
- PHP >= 8.1.x
- Node.js >= 18
- npm = 10.2.3
- pnpm = 8.15.1
- TailwindCSS = 3.4.1
- AlpineJs = 3.13.4