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CMath is an extremely small recursive top-down (descent) parser and a mathematical evaluation engine.

It gives you the ability to evaluate mathematical expressions at runtime without adding more code to your project. Additionally, CMath also supports the standard C mathematical functions and runtime binding of variables.


  • ANSI C with no dependencies
  • Single source and header file
  • Efficient and simple
  • Implements standard operator precedence
  • Uses standard C mathematical functions (sin, sqrt, atan, etc.)
  • Ability to bind variables at program evaluation
  • Released under GNU GPL v3 license
  • Thread-safe, assuming your malloc is


#include "cmath.h"

printf("%f\n", cm_interp("5*5", 0)); /* Prints 25 */


CMath only defines 4 functions:

double cm_interp(const char *expression, int *error);

cm_expr *cm_compile(const char *expression, const cm_variable *variables, int var_count, int *error);

double cm_eval(const cm_expr *expr);

void cm_free(cm_expr *expr);


cm_interp() takes an expression and immediately returns the result of it. If there is a format or parsing error, cm_interp() returns NaN.

If the error pointer argument is not 0, then cm_interp() will set *error to the position of the parse error on failure, and set *error to 0 on success.


int error;

double a = cm_interp("(5+5)", 0); /* Returns 10. */
double b = cm_interp("(5+5)", &error); /* Returns 10, error is set to 0. */
double c = cm_interp("(5+5", &error); /* Returns NaN, error is set to 4. */

cm_compile, cm_eval, cm_free

cm_expr *cm_compile(const char *expression, const cm_variable *lookup, int lookup_len, int *error);
double cm_eval(const cm_expr *n);
void cm_free(cm_expr *n);

cm_compile() must be given an expression with unbound variables and a list of variable names and pointers. It will then return a cm_expr* which can be evaluated later using cm_eval(). On failure, cm_compile() will return 0 and optionally set the passed in *error to the location of the parse error.

You can also compile expressions without variables by passing cm_compile()'s second and third arguments as 0.

A cm_expr* must be given to cm_eval() from cm_compile(); cm_eval() will then evaluate the expression using the current variable values.

At the end, remember to invoke cm_free().


double x, y;
// Variable names and pointers
cm_variables vars[] = {{"x", &x}, {"y", &y}};

int err;
// Compile the expression with variables
cm_expr *expr = cm_compile("sqrt(x^2+y^2)", vars, 2, &err);

if (expr) {
	x = 3; y = 4;
	const double h1 = cm_eval(expr); // Returns 5
	x = 5; y = 12;
	const double h2 = cm_eval(expr); // Returns 13
} else {
	printf("Parse error at %d\n", err);

Longer example

Here is an example where an expression is passed from the command line and evaluated. It also does error checking and binds the variables x and y to 3 and 4, respectively.

#include "cmath.h"
#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	if (argc < 2) {
		printf("Usage: example \"expression\"\n");
		return 0;

	const char *expression = argv[1];
	printf("Evaluating:\n\t%s\n", expression);

	// Variables are bound at program evaluation
	double x, y;
	cm_variable vars[] = {{"x", &x}, {"y", &y}};

	// Check for errors
	int err;
	cm_expr *n = cm_compile(expression, vars, 2, &err);

	if (n) {
		// It is efficient because variables can now be called as many 
		// times as you want because parsing has already been done
		x = 3; y = 4;
		const double r = cm_eval(n); printf("Result:\n\t%f\n", r);
	} else {
		// Show error
		printf("\t%*s^\nError near here", err-1, "");

	return 0;

Which produces the output:

$	example "sqrt(x^2+y2)"
	Error near here


CMath is fast compared to C in all regards.

Here are some example performance numbers taken from a benchmark:

Expression cm_eval time native C time difference
sqrt(a^1.5+a^2.5) 14.478 ms 15.641 ms 8% faster
a+5 563 ms 765 ms 36% faster
a+(5*2) 563 ms 765 ms 36% faster
(a+5)*2 563 ms 1422 ms 153% faster
(1/(a+1)+2/(a+2)+3/(a+3)) 1266 ms 5516 ms 336% faster


CMath uses and parses the following grammar:

<list>      =    <expr> {"," <expr>}
<expr>      =    <term> {("+" | "-") <term>}
<term>      =    <factor> {("*" | "/" | "%") <factor>}
<factor>    =    <power> {"^" <power>}
<power>     =    {("-" | "+")} <base>
<base>      =    <constant> | <variable> | <function-0> {"(" ")"} | <function-1> <power> | <function-2> "(" <expr> "," <expr> ")" | "(" <list> ")"
  • Also, whitespace between tokens are ignored.

  • Valid variable names are any combinations of lower case letters from a to z.

  • Constants can be integers, decimals, or in scientific notation (e.g., 1e3).

  • A leading zero is not required

Functions supported

CMath supports addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponentiation and modulus with normal operator precedence (one exception being that exponentiation is evaluated left-to-right).

Additionally, following C mathematical functions are also supported:

  • abs (fabs)
  • acos
  • asin
  • atan
  • atan2
  • ceil
  • `cos
  • cosh
  • exp
  • floor
  • ln (log)
  • log (log10)
  • pow
  • sin
  • sinh
  • sqrt
  • tan
  • tanh

The following constants are also available:

  • pi
  • e

  • All functions/types start with cm


A mathematical expression library in C






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