This Dockerfile builds an image for IBM Notes (32bit) to run on Ubuntu 16.04 64bit. IBM only provide a 32bit version of IBM Notes client installation packages. There are a lot of "patch scripts" out there which pathes the downloaded packages so that they can be installed on a 64bit architecture. I decided to install the 32bit version of IBM notes within a docker container with all the 32bit dependencies. Works well for me.
First of all you have to download the following files to your local machine:
- ibm-notes-9.0.1.i586.deb
- ibm-activities-9.0.1.i586.deb
- ibm-opensocial-9.0.1.i586.deb
- ibm-sametime-9.0.1.i586.deb
Maybe you find them here:
Now it's time to build the docker image (you do not have to clone the git repo, but if you have any enhancements you can easily create a pull request ;-) ).
git clone
Copy the ibm* files into the directory and run the docker build with
docker build -t ibmnotes32 .
After a while you should have a working docker image (there are some warnings).
$ docker image ls
ibmnotes32 latest XXXXXXXXXXXX 2 days ago 2.17 GB
Now you can run your image (see in the project):
xhost +
docker run -ti --rm -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY \
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
-v /home/kkoehler/work/ibm:/home/developer/ibm \
-t ibmnotes32 /opt/ibm/notes/notes
In my case it was neccessary to add a dns config:
--dns-search=XXX --dns=XXX
The data of the workspace is mapped from outside the container with the -v