The tool for send mail without SMTP server (Using ConoHa API)
You need ConoHa ( ) account for this tool use.
git clone
cd serverless-email-send-tool/bin
- rename or copy from config.json.template
- edit config.json
./ config.json 'Mail subject' <(echo 'Hello')
(on bash)
I think the following use case;
- (On OS initialize, I wait long long time for yum upgrade...)
$ sudo yum -y upgrade ; ./ config.json 'Report from server' <(echo 'yum upgrade finished')
- (On application complie)
$ make ; ./ config.json 'Report from server' <(make check; echo $?)
I appended the function for getting diskimage list from ConoHa. I published the sample code for getting diskimage list on Gist kmamiya/
Copyright (c) 2016 Kentarou Mamiya. See LICENSE for details.