Some experiments with RNN and HuRIC dataset
Python 3.6 is required, because python2 has not been tested and tensorflow does not support python3.7.
- python3-pip: use your package manager e.g.
- virtualenv (recommended): to use python 3.6 do
virtualenv venv --python=python3.6
- install the dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- for running the preprocessing, you need the spacy model with dependency parsing:
spacy download en
- contains some first experiment with the dataset and the the network
- is for choosing which variation of the network (2 vs 3 stages, attention vs not attention)
- script for hyperparam tuning
- script for evaluation
# collapse
huric_rnn/joint$ python results
# copy to your machine
huric_rnn/joint$ rsync -zarvP --prune-empty-dirs --include "*/" --include "*.png" --include "aggregated.json" --include "history_full.json" --exclude "*" martino.mensio@$IP:/home/martino.mensio/huric_rnn/joint/results results/google_cloud
where IP
env is set correctly
When installing the requirements, says "no space on device": this is because you may have a very small tmpfs. To fix that, edit your /etc/fstab
with something like:
tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,size=10G,mode=1777 0 0
Then reboot and check with df -h
Take this file, that contains the 4 train folds, upload to amazon lex console, build the model and set an alias.
Then create an .env
in the root folder file with content:
Then execute:
python -m joint.lex_test
python -m joint.evaluate_predictions_stored lex/results
And look at the results in lex/results
- Build the models:
- Run the server flask run
(optionally add--port PORT_NUMBER
to use another port) - go to localhost:5000/nlu?text=sentence
(To test different models use the env variable MODEL_PATH
like MODEL_PATH=nlunetwork/results/train_all/conf_4/huric/modern_right/ flask run
In the folder notebooks there are jupyter notebooks for the analysis of results.