Run this script to create a KB based on the current running ROS architecture. Expects an cvs file (provided) and output an n3 file.
The repository provides a reasonably popilated and already built KB, but
should be run at the beginning when working with a new system.
Starts a server that interact with the ROS architecture. Provides a list of remote API to analyze and interact with the system.
: provides the list of capabilities of the system with their associated topic/execute
: receives a list of instructions in JSON format and execute them/run
: receive a single command in JSON format and execute it/read
: receive a list of topics in JSON format and provides the newst message from that topic
Contains the OntoRobRosInterface
class, it sets up a connection with the server created by
. The class provides various method to interact with the ROS system:
Provides the list of available topicsget_capability_list()
Lists all the capabilities avaliabletopic_in_capability(topic, capability)
Tells if a topic evokes a specific capabilityget_message_fields(topic, capability)
Provides the list of fields of a specific message on a specific topic for a specific capabilityget_message_type(topic)
Provides the type of the message on a specific topicpublish_on_topic(topic, capability, message)
Publish a message on a topic associated with a specific capability. The message is a dictionary with the same structure provided byget_message_fields(topic, capability)
read_from_topic(topic, capability)
Provides the newest message received on the specified topic.
>>> from onto_rob_ros_interface import OntoRobRosInterface
>>> intr = OntoRobRosInterface()
>>> intr.get_topic_list()
['/turtle1/pose', '/turtle1/cmd_vel']
>>> intr.get_capability_list()
['Robot_position', 'Directional_Movement', 'Robot_speed']
>>> intr.topic_in_capability('/turtle1/pose', 'Robot_speed')
>>> intr.topic_in_capability('/turtle1/pose', 'Directional_Movement')
>>> intr.get_message_fields('/turtle1/pose', 'Robot_position')
['x', 'y', 'theta']
>>> intr.get_message_fields('/turtle1/pose', 'Robot_speed')
['angular_velocity', 'linear_velocity']
>>> intr.get_message_type('/turtle1/pose')
('turtlesim', 'Pose')
>>> intr.get_message_type('/turtle1/cmd_vel')
('geometry_msgs', 'Twist')
>>> intr.read_from_topic('/turtle1/pose', 'Robot_position')
[{u'capability': u'Robot_position', u'topic': u'/turtle1/pose', u'parameters': {u'y': 5.544444561004639, u'theta': 0.0, u'linear_velocity': 0.0, u'x': 5.544444561004639, u'angular_velocity': 0.0}}]
>>> intr.get_message_fields('/turtle1/cmd_vel', 'Directional_Movement')
['linear.z', 'angular.z', 'angular.x', 'angular.y', 'linear.x', 'linear.y']
>>> msg = {'linear.z', 'angular.z', 'angular.x', 'angular.y', 'linear.x', 'linear.y'}
>>> intr.publish_on_topic('/turtle1/cmd_vel', 'Directional_Movement', msg)
>>> empty_msg = {}
>>> intr.publish_on_topic('/turtle1/cmd_vel', 'Directional_Movement', empty_msg)
>>> intr.read_from_topic('/turtle1/pose', 'Robot_position')
[{u'capability': u'Robot_position', u'topic': u'/turtle1/pose', u'parameters': {u'y': 5.796990871429443, u'theta': 0.5040000081062317, u'linear_velocity': 0.0, u'x': 6.509308815002441, u'angular_velocity': 0.0}}]