The Dude project aims to create a Python library focused on cybersecurity and monitoring of servers and workstations. In this repository, we will cover the following objectives:
- Network security and monitoring.
- Server security and monitoring.
- Application security and monitoring.
- Security for workstations and personal computers.
In this project, we use the following logic: the master branch will always contain the most up-to-date version. Other branches will provide code based on previous versions.
- Open port scanner within a predefined range.
- Web application monitoring through web scraping.
- Domain monitoring.
- API application monitoring.
- Webhook implementation for updates.
- Text encoding and decoding using base64.
- Port scanning for vulnerability exploitation.
- Wordlist generator for brute-force attacks.
Keep in mind that this repository is and will always be open to new opinions and perspectives. So, when requesting an update, remember that this library is meant to help and is not an entitlement. Always be respectful and courteous.
- Website screenshot capture using web scraping.
Installing this library with Python is simple. Just install it using the PyPi package manager with the following command:
$ pip install dudsec
After that, you can import it like this:
import * from dudesec