This crate provides a simple AMQP client capable of processing messages of a defined type. The client provides an unbounded channel to interact with the client, either to submit new messages to the queue or to receive messages from the queue.
use bigerror::Report;
use amqp_client::{AmqpClient, AmqpConnectionConfig, AmqpError, AmqpMessageHandler};
use lapin::uri::AMQPUri;
const CONNECTION: &str = "my_service";
const EXCHANGE: &str = "my_exchange";
const REPLY_QUEUE: &str = "queue_reply";
const REQUEST_QUEUE: &str = "queue_request";
const CONSUMER_NAME: &str = "my_consumer_name";
// define a type for messages
struct Payload {}
// define a handler for incoming and outgoing messages
struct MyMessageHandler {}
impl AmqpMessageHandler for MyMessageHandler {
// the type of the message
type Input = Payload;
async fn receive_message(&self, message: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Report<AmqpError>> {
// parse the message bytes and do something
// let Ok(payload) = Payload::from_amqp_payload(message).and_log_err() else {
// return Ok(());
// };
// do something with payload
fn prepare_payload(&self, input: Self::Input) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
// convert payload back to bytes
// Some(input.encode_to_vec())
async fn init(uri: AMQPUri) {
let message_handler = MyMessageHandler {};
let amqp_client = AmqpClient::new(
AmqpConnectionConfig {
connection: CONNECTION.to_string(),
exchange: EXCHANGE.to_string(),
outbound_queue: REPLY_QUEUE.to_string(),
inbound_queue: REQUEST_QUEUE.to_string(),
consumer_name: CONSUMER_NAME.to_string(),
let input_tx = amqp_client.init();
// do something with input_tx, or just hang on to it