Clone repository
git clone
cd depools-dashboard-and-staking
Edit environment
vim .env
Install dependencies
composer install
Create database and apply migrations
bin/console doctrine:database:create
bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
Use next commands to sync with blockchain Pay attention that php-ton-client is currently not stable library, and some command you need to call few times :(
bin/console depool:list:update {networkId} {depoolContractId}
Update list of depools with stakes data.
networkId: 1 -, 2 -
depoolContractId: 1, 3, 4 - version of depool(1, 2, 3). -
bin/console depool:list:clean {networkId}
Remove closed depools -
bin/console depool:events:update {networkId}
Sync depool events -
bin/console depool:names:update {networkId}
Update monikers -
bin/console depool:stats:compile
Compile statistic -
bin/console depool:query:cache
Cache all data for frontend
Start symfony web server
symfony server:start -d
symfony proxy:start
symfony proxy:domain:attach depools
Create local ssl certs and put into /etc/ssl/ /etc/ssl/
I use mkcert for that.
Run dev-server
cd front
yarn install
yarn run serve
Go to depools.wip.
Copy and edit environment for prod
cp .env
Build image
bash ./deploy/ {gitTag}
Change image tag in kubernetes.yaml if needed.
Apply kubernetes config. Pay attention if you don't have image locally kubernetes will try to take it from docker hub
with our .env. Actually that's wrong and .env file should be injected by kubernetes secret and if someone would like to
contribute to solve this problem we will be really glad.
kubectl apply -f ./deploy/kubernetes.yaml
Go inside one of pods, create database and apply migrations
kubectl exec -it {podName} -- /bin/sh
cd /var/www/html/
/usr/bin/php ./bin/console doctrine:database:create
/usr/bin/php ./bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate