Mazzaroth-js is a javascript library that facilitates the interaction with Mazzaroth nodes from both the browser or from node-js. It does this by exporting two clients and some utility functions.
The node client is used to interact with a Mazzaroth node by abstracting some of the standard node operations. This includes encapsulating the node HTTP endpoints, signing operations, and the creation of a properly formed HTTP body. The following functions are exposed:
Submits a Transaction to a Mazzaroth node. These are transactions that must be signed and will eventually be sent to the backing consensus pool to be submitted to the blockchain. This includes transactions that update channel state including contract updates and authorization transactions. Write transactions are submitted asynchronously and the results must be looked up by querying the Receipt for the transaction ID that is returned. Readonly transactions will return the Receipt immediately.
There are several functions that allow you to lookup various information. These include TransactionLookup, BlockLookup, BlockList, BlockHeaderLookup, BlockHeaderList, ReceiptLookup, and ChannelAbi. Lookup functions are synchronous read-only requests that will get the latest state based on the non-consensus node that this lookup hits.
The Transaction builder provides a way to create and sign a transaction to be submitted with the Transaction Submit function. The builder provides functionality to build a Call or Contract type transaction and set all the appropriate fields. The Transaction is finalized by calling the Sign function, given a private key used to sign the transaction.
This library can be added to your project by using npm to install the mazzaroth-js package.
npm install mazzaroth-js
For a more detailed example of how to use the contract client in conjunction with our CLI tools, XDR generation, and our XDR code generation tool: see the full contract example.
import { NodeClient, Ed25519KeyPairFromSeed, GenerateNonce } from 'mazzaroth-js'
async function demo() {
// Seed for the account is 0x64.
const accountSeed = '0'.repeat(64)
const keyPair = Ed25519KeyPairFromSeed(accountSeed)
const accountPrivKey = keyPair.priv
const accountID =
const mazzNodeAddr = 'http://localhost:6299'
const channelID = '0'.repeat(64)
const nonce = GenerateNonce()
const blockExpirationNumber = '50'
// Create a client.
const client = new NodeClient(mazzNodeAddr)
// 1. Channel Abi lookup.
res = await client.ChannelAbi(channelID).then(x => x.toJSON())
console.log('>>> ChannelAbi')
version: '0.8.0',
functions: [
functionType: 2,
functionName: 'setup',
parameters: [],
returns: [Array]
// 2. Build the transaction.
const builder = new TransactionBuilder(accountID, channelID)
const transaction = builder.Call(nonce, blockExpirationNumber).Function('setup').Sign(accountPrivKey)
console.log('>>> TransactionBuilder')
// 3. Submit the transaction.
res = await client.TransactionSubmit(transaction).then(x => x.toJSON())
console.log('>>> TransactionSubmit')
// Wait for the transaction to be completed.
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 2000))
// Save the transaction id.
const transactionID = res
// 4. Transaction lookup.
res = await client.TransactionLookup(channelID, transactionID).then(x => x.toJSON())
console.log('>>> TransactionLookup')
sender: '3b6a27bcceb6a42d62a3a8d02a6f0d73653215771de243a63ac048a18b59da29',
signature: 'cd3b6675801da02f821b31166ba8230fbb3f356fef8d74a3eeb39c328876a41a84deba30b32103c237e5ff60e90690b715abd413fcd12428dec2b3f5656d1803',
data: {
channelID: '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
nonce: '76466',
blockExpirationNumber: '5',
category: { type: 1, data: [Object] }
// 5. Receipt lookup.
res = await client.ReceiptLookup(channelID, transactionID).then(x => x.toJSON())
console.log('>>> ReceiptLookup')
transactionID: 'c97718cf2a7eb32b6e781b958907b0a6ded3a2dbf262b2a22e1773ef3ccec631',
status: 1,
stateRoot: 'dbf6c9dd032b205f3b123f146d2d5106f1c177aaa1ac594b3e4a2814a1fdce14',
result: 'false',
statusInfo: ''
// 6. Block Height.
res = await client.BlockHeight(channelID).then(x => x.toJSON())
console.log('>>> BlockHeight')
{ height: '3' }
// 7. Block List.
const numberOfBlocks = 1
const height = res.height-1
res = await client.BlockList(channelID, height, numberOfBlocks).then(x => x)
console.log('>>> BlockList')
header: {
blockHeight: '2',
transactionHeight: '6',
consensusSequenceNumber: '0',
transactionsMerkleRoot: 'edc695c79edd9be248264dfff787ecc72c2ff762a4555e49ece8683691039248',
transactionsReceiptRoot: '220fbe9228a86a02f5dbe72d38e1429f334ada18b2d7f3ff08d0464db7f1ce4b',
stateRoot: 'dbf6c9dd032b205f3b123f146d2d5106f1c177aaa1ac594b3e4a2814a1fdce14',
previousHeader: '2a812fb66da23b488b8621451c648c807fee235b19144d7c8935512aa9ca89c0',
status: 0
transactions: [ [Object], [Object] ]
// Save the previous header id.
const blockID = res[0].header.previousHeader
// 8. Block Header Lookup.
res = await client.BlockHeaderLookup(channelID, blockID).then(x => x.toJSON())
console.log('>>> BlockHeaderLookup')
blockHeight: '1',
transactionHeight: '4',
consensusSequenceNumber: '0',
transactionsMerkleRoot: '59e4e65812283231936f5d47feb0199d0b62cbf51953740ad95bc6accc3fc480',
transactionsReceiptRoot: '79a4668dff27414cc5a3cbf7d3be6e9d2af3ef9aff2b7e4e4aa95125a4996cc3',
stateRoot: 'dbf6c9dd032b205f3b123f146d2d5106f1c177aaa1ac594b3e4a2814a1fdce14',
previousHeader: '25bd4e8d88855ca58f5e92b850f0bd1f4bcf42dd7f42d57b74dca5880668dbd5',
status: 0
// 9. Block Lookup.
res = await client.BlockLookup(channelID, blockID).then(x => x.toJSON())
console.log('>>> BlockLookup')
header: {
blockHeight: '1',
transactionHeight: '4',
consensusSequenceNumber: '0',
transactionsMerkleRoot: '59e4e65812283231936f5d47feb0199d0b62cbf51953740ad95bc6accc3fc480',
transactionsReceiptRoot: '79a4668dff27414cc5a3cbf7d3be6e9d2af3ef9aff2b7e4e4aa95125a4996cc3',
stateRoot: 'dbf6c9dd032b205f3b123f146d2d5106f1c177aaa1ac594b3e4a2814a1fdce14',
previousHeader: '25bd4e8d88855ca58f5e92b850f0bd1f4bcf42dd7f42d57b74dca5880668dbd5',
status: 0
transactions: [
sender: '3b6a27bcceb6a42d62a3a8d02a6f0d73653215771de243a63ac048a18b59da29',
signature: '81694afd7e051422be392b7fa3583e28f09e0a6130bd4b23f47ada5c77fd5714b26ad11ef71503bc30dca24b56804fdf82fc634ddb487661aaca1d5f27833d09',
data: [Object]
sender: '3b6a27bcceb6a42d62a3a8d02a6f0d73653215771de243a63ac048a18b59da29',
signature: '429108eafbf249cb8e0e24bd3d8f11720e1f661a58b0d24bddb14e38312b9f23c1ab9cb16f516d9650793d21795d075ef0d09a58b60d0ea29a20415553c49109',
data: [Object]
// 10. Block Header List.
res = await client.BlockHeaderList(channelID, height, numberOfBlocks).then(x => x)
console.log('>>> BlockHeaderList')
blockHeight: '2',
transactionHeight: '6',
consensusSequenceNumber: '0',
transactionsMerkleRoot: 'edc695c79edd9be248264dfff787ecc72c2ff762a4555e49ece8683691039248',
transactionsReceiptRoot: '220fbe9228a86a02f5dbe72d38e1429f334ada18b2d7f3ff08d0464db7f1ce4b',
stateRoot: 'dbf6c9dd032b205f3b123f146d2d5106f1c177aaa1ac594b3e4a2814a1fdce14',
previousHeader: '2a812fb66da23b488b8621451c648c807fee235b19144d7c8935512aa9ca89c0',
status: 0