This is OMF version 6. If are looking for the previous generation of OMF (5.x), please see the installation guides here.
OMF is a framework for controlling, instrumenting, and managing experimental platforms (testbeds).
Researchers use OMF to describe, instrument, and execute their experiments.
Testbed providers use OMF to make their resources discoverable, control access to them, optimise their utilisation through virtualisation, and federation with other testbeds.
Please visit our official website for more information.
Users, testbed operators and developers should follow our detailed {file:doc/INSTALLATION.mkd Installation Guide}.
Design documents and developer tutorials are available in our {file:doc/DEVELOPERS.mkd Developer Guide}. OMF is a community effort, and we welcome your contributions. Please refer to the {file:doc/CONTRIBUTING.mkd Contribution Guide} on how to participate.
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