A clojure library for reloading changed namespaces on save.
I like to use .lein/profiles.clj
for this
{:user {:dependencies [[komcrad/repl-reload "0.1.2"]]
{:init (do (require 'clojure.tools.namespace.repl 'repl-reload.core)
(use 'clojure.repl))}}}
I also like to create a blank user.clj in my projects for my repl to use
{:repl-options {:init-ns your-project.user}}
This way I can def stuff in that ns but when ns are reloaded, since user is a blank ns, my symbols stick around
I enjoyed using https://github.com/grampelberg/lein-autoreload. As Clojure updated and lein updated, the plugin started breaking down. So I built this to replace lein-autoreload for myself.