This is the code generated from ulang-0.2.2.exe with Python disassembler tools python-uncompyle6 and pyinstallerextractor.
Use the following command to begin.
python **ulang command line arguments**
ulang usage
usage: [-apbcidsDth] input_file
Options and arguments:
--dump-ast, -a dump ast info
--dump-python, -p dump python source code
--dump-blockly, -b dump blockly xml (experimental)
--dump-bytecode, -c dump donsok bytecode (experimental)
--python-to-ulang, -s convert python to ulang
--debug, -D debug with Pdb (experimental)
--interact, -i inspect interactively after running script
--disassemble, -d disassemble the python bytecode
--exec-code=<code> -e run code from cli argument
--show-backtrace, -t show backtrace for errors
--version, -v show the version
--help, -h show this message