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#32 Autologin
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picman committed Sep 26, 2024
1 parent f771cb7 commit 542e0f2
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Showing 16 changed files with 274 additions and 93 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ The user is identified by the email registered with the OAuth provider. The emai
in Redmine. If such an email is not found, the user will be offered to register in Redmine, depending on Redmine's
setting **Self-registration**. OAuth logout is also supported, if it is set in the options.
Access to Redmine can controlled by roles assigned in your OAuth provider.
See [#36]( for details.
See [#36]( for details; as well as OAuth

Inspired by Gucin's plugin

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21 changes: 20 additions & 1 deletion app/controllers/redmine_oauth_controller.rb
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Expand Up @@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ class RedmineOauthController < AccountController
def oauth
session[:back_url] = params[:back_url]
session[:autologin] = params[:autologin]
session[:oauth_autologin] = params[:oauth_autologin]
oauth_csrf_token = generate_csrf_token
session[:oauth_csrf_token] = oauth_csrf_token
case Setting.plugin_redmine_oauth[:oauth_name]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -154,20 +155,38 @@ def oauth_callback

# Try to log in
try_to_login email, user_info
rescue StandardError => e
Rails.logger.error e.message
flash['error'] = e.message
redirect_to signin_path

def set_oauth_autologin_cookie(value, request)
cookie_options = {
value: value,
expires: 1.year.from_now,
path: RedmineApp::Application.config.relative_url_root || '/',
same_site: :lax,
secure: request.ssl?,
httponly: true
cookies[:oauth_autologin] = cookie_options


def try_to_login(email, info)
def set_params
params['back_url'] = session[:back_url]
session.delete :back_url
params['autologin'] = session[:autologin]
session.delete :autologin
params['oauth_autologin'] = session[:oauth_autologin]
session.delete :oauth_autologin

def try_to_login(email, info)
user = User.joins(:email_addresses).where(email_addresses: { address: email }).first
if user # Existing user
if user.registered? # Registered
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,14 +28,25 @@
<legend class="oauth_legend" onclick="oauth_toggle_fieldset(this)"><%= l(:button_login) %></legend>
<% end %>
<%= form_tag(oauth_path(back_url: back_url), method: :get, id: 'oauth-login') do %>
<%= back_url_hidden_field_tag %>
<%= button_tag(name: 'login-oauth', tabindex: 6, id: 'login-oauth-submit', title: l(:oauth_login_with),
style: "background: #{Setting.plugin_redmine_oauth[:button_color]}") do %>
<i id="button_icon" class="<%= Setting.plugin_redmine_oauth[:button_icon] %>"></i>
<%= l(:oauth_login_via, oauth: Setting.plugin_redmine_oauth[:custom_name].blank? ? Setting.plugin_redmine_oauth[:oauth_name] : Setting.plugin_redmine_oauth[:custom_name]).html_safe %>
<div id="oauth-form">
<%= form_tag(oauth_path(back_url: back_url), method: :get, id: 'oauth-login') do %>
<%= back_url_hidden_field_tag %>
<%= button_tag(name: 'login-oauth', tabindex: 7, id: 'login-oauth-submit', title: l(:oauth_login_with),
style: "background: #{Setting.plugin_redmine_oauth[:button_color]}") do %>
<i id="button_icon" class="<%= Setting.plugin_redmine_oauth[:button_icon] %>"></i>
<%= l(:oauth_login_via,
oauth: Setting.plugin_redmine_oauth[:custom_name].blank? ? Setting.plugin_redmine_oauth[:oauth_name] : Setting.plugin_redmine_oauth[:custom_name]).html_safe %>
<% end %>
<% if Setting.plugin_redmine_oauth[:oauth_login] %>
<label for="oauth_autologin">
<%= check_box_tag 'oauth_autologin', 1, false, tabindex: 6 %>
<%= l(:oauth_autologin,
oauth: Setting.plugin_redmine_oauth[:custom_name].blank? ? Setting.plugin_redmine_oauth[:oauth_name] : Setting.plugin_redmine_oauth[:custom_name]) %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>

<%= javascript_tag do %>
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9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions app/views/settings/_oauth_settings.html.erb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -146,6 +146,15 @@
<%= l(:label_default) %>: <%= l(:general_text_No) %>
<label><%= l(:oauth_login) %></label>
<%= check_box_tag 'settings[oauth_login]', true, @settings[:oauth_login] %>
<em class="info">
<%= l(:oauth_login_info) %>
<%= l(:label_default) %>: <%= l(:general_text_No) %>
<% style = %w(Custom).exclude?(@settings[:oauth_name]) ? 'display: none' : 'display: block' %>
<div id="oauth_options_custom" style="<%= style %>">
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11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions assets/stylesheets/redmine_oauth.css
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Expand Up @@ -25,6 +25,17 @@ button#login-oauth-submit {

label[for="oauth_autologin"] {
width: fit-content;

div#oauth-form {
margin: auto;
width: 340px;

input#button_color {
padding: 0;
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39 changes: 21 additions & 18 deletions config/locales/cs.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,41 +25,44 @@ cs:
oauth_invalid_provider: Neplatný poskytovatel OAuth
oauth_none: Žádný
oauth_provider: Poskytovatel
oauth_provider_info: Poskytovatel OAuth
oauth_provider_info: Poskytovatel OAuth.
oauth_site: Stránka
oauth_site_info: Ověřovací URL poskytovatele OAuth
oauth_site_info: Ověřovací URL poskytovatele OAuth.
oauth_client_id: ID klienta
oauth_client_id_info: ID aplikace (klienta)
oauth_client_id_info: ID aplikace (klienta).
oauth_client_secret: Tajný kód
oauth_client_secret_info: Heslo aplikace
oauth_client_secret_info: Heslo aplikace.
oauth_tenant_id: ID tenanta
oauth_tenant_id_info: ID adresáře (tenanta)
oauth_button_info: Barva a ikonka (třída Awesome fontu) přihlašovacího tlačítka OAuth (prázdné pro žádné tlačítko)
oauth_tenant_id_info: ID adresáře (tenanta).
oauth_button_info: Barva a ikonka (třída Awesome fontu) přihlašovacího tlačítka OAuth (prázdné pro žádné tlačítko).
oauth_login_button: Přihlašovací tlačítko
oauth_custom_name: Název poskytovatele
oauth_custom_name_info: Titulek zobrazený na přihlašovacím tlačítku OAuth
oauth_custom_name_info: Titulek zobrazený na přihlašovacím tlačítku OAuth.
oauth_custom_auth_endpoint: Autorizační endpoint
oauth_custom_auth_endpoint_info: Autorizační endpoint aplikace
oauth_custom_auth_endpoint_info: Autorizační endpoint aplikace.
oauth_custom_token_endpoint: Endpoint tokenu
oauth_custom_token_endpoint_info: Endpoint tokenu aplikace
oauth_custom_token_endpoint_info: Endpoint tokenu aplikace.
oauth_custom_profile_endpoint: Endpoint profilu
oauth_custom_profile_endpoint_info: Endpoint profilu aplikace
oauth_custom_profile_endpoint_info: Endpoint profilu aplikace.
oauth_custom_scope: OAuth scope
oauth_custom_scope_info: "OAuth scope (výchozí: 'openid profile email')"
oauth_custom_scope_info: "OAuth scope (výchozí: 'openid profile email')."
oauth_custom_uid_field: UID
oauth_custom_uid_field_info: "Pole UID (výchozí: preferred_username)"
oauth_custom_uid_field_info: "Pole UID (výchozí: preferred_username)."
oauth_custom_email_field: E-mail
oauth_custom_email_field_info: "Pole e-mail (výchozí: email)"
oauth_custom_email_field_info: "Pole e-mail (výchozí: email)."
oauth_hide_login_form: Skrýt přihlašovací formulář
oauth_custom_firstname_field: Pole jména u poskytovatele
oauth_custom_lastname_field: Pole příjmení u poskytovatele
oauth_update_login: Aktualizovat login
oauth_update_login_info: Aktualizovat login uživatele po úspěšném přihlášení.
oauth_logout: OAuth odhlášení
oauth_logout_info: Odhlásit se také od poskytovatele OAuth po dohlášení z Redminu
oauth_update_login: Aktualizovat přihlašovací jméno
oauth_update_login_info: Aktualizovat přihlašovací jméno uživatele po úspěšném přihlášení.
oauth_login: Přihlášení OAuth
oauth_login_info: Umožní uživatelům přihlásit se automaticky pomocí poskytovatele OAuth bez přihlašovacího formuláře.
oauth_logout: Odhlášení OAuth
oauth_logout_info: Odhlásit se také od poskytovatele OAuth po dohlášení z Redminu.
oauth_custom_logout_endpoint: Endpoint odhlášení
oauth_custom_logout_endpoint_info: Endpoint pro odhlášení od poskytovatele
oauth_custom_logout_endpoint_info: Endpoint pro odhlášení od poskytovatele.
oauth_validate_user_roles_info: "Klíč, kde jsou definované role v tokenu. Pokud je nastaveno, tak 'user' role povolí
přihlášení, 'admin' přidělí práva administrátora. Jestliže role 'user' není uvedena, přístup je odmítnut. Jestliže
chybí role 'admin', práva administrátora jsou odebrána. př.: Zadejte 'resource_access.redmine.roles', když máte
v tokenu nakonfigurováno toto: 'resource_access': { 'redmine': { 'roles': ['user', 'admin'] } }."
oauth_autologin: "Automatické přihlašování s %{oauth}"
45 changes: 25 additions & 20 deletions config/locales/de.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,45 +21,50 @@
oauth_login_via: "Weiter mit <b>%{oauth}</b>"
oauth_login_with: Anmelden mit with OAuth
oauth_no_verified_email: Keine verifizierte E-Mail zur Verfügung gestellt. Überprüfen Sie Ihre OAuth-Anbieter-Einstellung.
oauth_no_verified_email: "Keine verifizierte E-Mail zur Verfügung gestellt. Überprüfen Sie Ihre
oauth_invalid_provider: Ungültiger OAuth-Anbieter
oauth_none: Keiner
oauth_provider: Anbieter
oauth_provider_info: OAuth-Anbieter
oauth_provider_info: OAuth-Anbieter.
oauth_site: Seite
oauth_site_info: URI des OAuth-Anbieter
oauth_site_info: URI des OAuth-Anbieter.
oauth_client_id: Client-ID
oauth_client_id_info: Anwendungs-ID (Client)
oauth_client_id_info: Anwendungs-ID (Client).
oauth_client_secret: Geheime Zeichenfolge
oauth_client_secret_info: Anwendungskennwort
oauth_client_secret_info: Anwendungskennwort.
oauth_tenant_id: Mandant-ID
oauth_tenant_id_info: Verzeichnis-ID (Mandant)
oauth_button_info: Farbe und Symbol (Awesome-Schriftklasse) des OAuth-Anmeldebuttons (Leer für keinen Button)
oauth_tenant_id_info: Verzeichnis-ID (Mandant).
oauth_button_info: Farbe und Symbol (Awesome-Schriftklasse) des OAuth-Anmeldebuttons (Leer für keinen Button).
oauth_login_button: Anmeldebutton
oauth_custom_name: Name des Anbieters
oauth_custom_name_info: Titel auf dem OAuth-Login-Button
oauth_custom_name_info: Titel auf dem OAuth-Login-Button.
oauth_custom_auth_endpoint: Auth endpoint
oauth_custom_auth_endpoint_info: Application Auth endpoint
oauth_custom_auth_endpoint_info: Application Auth endpoint.
oauth_custom_token_endpoint: Token endpoint
oauth_custom_token_endpoint_info: Application Token endpoint
oauth_custom_token_endpoint_info: Application Token endpoint.
oauth_custom_profile_endpoint: Profile endpoint
oauth_custom_profile_endpoint_info: Application Profile endpoint
oauth_custom_profile_endpoint_info: Application Profile endpoint.
oauth_custom_scope: OAuth scope
oauth_custom_scope_info: "OAuth scope (Standard: 'openid profile email')"
oauth_custom_scope_info: "OAuth scope (Standard: 'openid profile email')."
oauth_custom_uid_field: UID-Feld
oauth_custom_uid_field_info: "UID-Feld (Stadard: preferred_username)"
oauth_custom_uid_field_info: "UID-Feld (Stadard: preferred_username)."
oauth_custom_email_field: E-Mail-Feld
oauth_custom_email_field_info: "E-Mail-Feld (Standard: email)"
oauth_custom_email_field_info: "E-Mail-Feld (Standard: email)."
oauth_hide_login_form: Login-Formular ausblenden
oauth_custom_firstname_field: Vorname-Feld des Anbieters
oauth_custom_lastname_field: Nachname-Feld des Anbieters
oauth_update_login: Login aktualizieren
oauth_update_login_info: Aktualizieren Login des Benutzers nach einer erfolgreichen Anmeldung.
oauth_logout: OAuth-Abmeldung
oauth_logout_info: Abmelden auch vom OAuth-Anbieter nach der Redmine-Abmeldung
oauth_logout_info: Abmelden auch vom OAuth-Anbieter nach der Redmine-Abmeldung.
oauth_login: OAuth login
oauth_login_info: Ermöglicht der Benutzer automatisches Anmelden über den OAuth-Anbieter ohne des Anmeldeformulars.
oauth_custom_logout_endpoint: Abmeldung-Endpoint
oauth_custom_logout_endpoint_info: Abmeldung-Endpoint für Abmeldung vom OAuth-Anbieter
oauth_validate_user_roles_info: "A key, where user roles are present in the token. If set, 'user' role grants access,
'admin' grants admin rights. If 'user' role is not present, access is denied. If 'admin role is missing, admin
rights are revoked. E.g.: Enter 'resource_access.redmine.roles', if you have your token set as follows:
'resource_access': { 'redmine': { 'roles': ['user', 'admin'] } }"
oauth_custom_logout_endpoint_info: Abmeldung-Endpoint für Abmeldung vom OAuth-Anbieter.
oauth_validate_user_roles_info: "Ein Schlüssel, bei dem Benutzerrollen im Token vorhanden sind. Wenn gesetzt,
die Rolle 'user' gewährt Zugriff, 'admin' gewährt Admin-Rechte. Wenn die Rolle 'user' nicht vorhanden ist,
wird der Zugriff verweigert. Wenn die Rolle 'admin' fehlt, werden die Admin-Rechte widerrufen. z.B.: Geben Sie
'resource_access.redmine.roles' ein, wenn Sie den Token als
'resource_access': { 'redmine': { 'roles': ['user', 'admin'] } } eingestellt."
oauth_autologin: "Automatische Anmeldung mit %{oauth}"
35 changes: 19 additions & 16 deletions config/locales/en.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,42 +25,45 @@ en:
oauth_invalid_provider: Invalid OAuth provider
oauth_none: None
oauth_provider: Provider
oauth_provider_info: OAuth provider
oauth_provider_info: OAuth provider.
oauth_site: Site
oauth_site_info: OAuth provider's authentication URL
oauth_site_info: OAuth provider's authentication URL.
oauth_client_id: Client ID
oauth_client_id_info: Application (client) ID
oauth_client_id_info: Application (client) ID.
oauth_client_secret: Client secret
oauth_client_secret_info: Application password
oauth_client_secret_info: Application password.
oauth_tenant_id: Tenant ID / Realm
oauth_tenant_id_info: Directory (tenant) ID
oauth_button_info: Colour and icon (Awesome font class) of the OAuth login button (Empty for no button)
oauth_tenant_id_info: Directory (tenant) ID.
oauth_button_info: Colour and icon (Awesome font class) of the OAuth login button (Empty for no button).
oauth_login_button: Login button
oauth_custom_name: Provider name
oauth_custom_name_info: Title to be shown on the OAuth login button
oauth_custom_name_info: Title to be shown on the OAuth login button.
oauth_custom_auth_endpoint: Auth endpoint
oauth_custom_auth_endpoint_info: Application Auth endpoint
oauth_custom_auth_endpoint_info: Application Auth endpoint.
oauth_custom_token_endpoint: Token endpoint
oauth_custom_token_endpoint_info: Application Token endpoint
oauth_custom_token_endpoint_info: Application Token endpoint.
oauth_custom_profile_endpoint: Profile endpoint
oauth_custom_profile_endpoint_info: Application Profile endpoint
oauth_custom_profile_endpoint_info: Application Profile endpoint.
oauth_custom_scope: OAuth scope
oauth_custom_scope_info: "OAuth scope (default: 'openid profile email')"
oauth_custom_scope_info: "OAuth scope (default: 'openid profile email')."
oauth_custom_uid_field: UID field
oauth_custom_uid_field_info: "UID field (default: preferred_username)"
oauth_custom_uid_field_info: "UID field (default: preferred_username)."
oauth_custom_email_field: Email field
oauth_custom_email_field_info: "Email field (default: email)"
oauth_custom_email_field_info: "Email field (default: email)."
oauth_hide_login_form: Hide login form
oauth_custom_firstname_field: Provider's firstname field
oauth_custom_lastname_field: Provider's lastname field
oauth_update_login: Update login
oauth_update_login_info: Update the user's login after a successful login
oauth_update_login_info: Update the user's login after a successful login.
oauth_logout: OAuth logout
oauth_logout_info: Log out from the OAuth provider too after Redmine log out
oauth_logout_info: Log out from the OAuth provider too after Redmine logout.
oauth_login: OAuth login
oauth_login_info: Allow users to log in automatically via OAuth provider skipping the login form.
oauth_custom_logout_endpoint: Logout endpoint
oauth_custom_logout_endpoint_info: Application Logout endpoint
oauth_custom_logout_endpoint_info: Application Logout endpoint.
oauth_validate_user_roles: Validate user roles
oauth_validate_user_roles_info: "A key, where user roles are present in the token. If set, 'user' role grants access,
'admin' grants admin rights. If 'user' role is not present, access is denied. If 'admin role is missing, admin
rights are revoked. E.g.: Enter 'resource_access.redmine.roles', if you have your token set as follows:
'resource_access': { 'redmine': { 'roles': ['user', 'admin'] } }"
oauth_autologin: "Autologin with %{oauth}"

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