Fake image detection model that can also classify which GAN was used to generate the fake images
├── cam_results
│ ├── demo1
│ └── demo2
├── checkpoints
│ ├── gan-detection-resnet101.h5
│ ├── gan-detection-resnet50.h5
│ └── gan-detection-xception.h5
├── datasets
│ ├── test
│ │ ├── msgstylegan
│ │ ├── pggan
│ │ ├── stylegan
│ │ └── vgan
│ └── train
│ ├── msgstylegan
│ ├── pggan
│ ├── stylegan
│ └── vgan
├── GANs
│ ├── msgstylegan
│ ├── pggan
│ ├── stylegan
│ └── vgan
├── grad_cam.sh
├── layer_grad_cam.sh
├── main.py
├── models
│ ├── models.py
│ └── Xception
│ ├── __init__.py
│ ├── xception-b5690688.pth
│ └── xception.py
├── README.md
├── requirements.txt
├── resnet101_training_log.png
├── resnet50_training_log.png
├── test_cam.py
├── test.py
├── train.sh
├── utils
│ ├── grad_cam.py
│ ├── plot.py
│ └── preprocess.py
└── xception_training_log.png
This is manipulated image detection models which can be globally applied to multiple GAN images.
# install dependent python packages
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
# download pretrained checkpoint for Xception
$ wget http://data.lip6.fr/cadene/pretrainedmodels/xception-b5690688.pth -P [path to GAN-detector/models/Xception]
// run with a shell script
$ sh train.sh
// manually run
$ python main.py \
--phase train \
--data-dir ./datasets \
--model-name {resnet101, xception, ...} \
--model-path ./checkpoints/gan-detection-{resnet101, xception, ...}.h5 \
--num-epochs {the number of training epochs} \
--batch-size {batch size} \
--save-dir ./checkpoints \
--gpu {GPU PCI ID}
TODO: Fill this
1) Grad-CAM visualization for a target layer
// run with a shell script
$ sh grad_cam.sh
// manually run
$ python test_cam.py demo1 \
-a {model name}
-t {layer name}
-i {image path}
2) Grad-CAM map for a specific class at different layers
// run with a shell script
$ sh layer_grad_cam.sh
$ python test_cam.py demo2 \
-a xception \
-i datasets/test/pggan/00876.png \
-c pggan
2) StyleGAN