A repo containing a basic R package for using Cromwell with WDL workflows at Fred Hutch. (Contact Amy Paguirigan for help).
You will need the following packages installed first:
install.packages(pkgs = c("httr", "jsonlite", "magrittr",
"dplyr", "ssh", "purrr", "paws", "tidyr"))
Then you can install the most recent version of fh.wdlR
Install a specific release version (in this case v1.0) by:
remotes::install_github('FredHutch/[email protected]')
Use instructions over in the diy-cromwell-server repo to get the configuration files needed and some testing workflows.
## Set your Cromwell URL
setCromwellURL(nodeAndPort = "gizmoXXX:20202")
list.files(pattern = "*.wdl")
valid <- cromwellValidate(WDL = "myworkflow.wdl"); valid[["errors"]]
thisJob <- cromwellSubmitBatch(WDL = "myworkflow.wdl",
Params = "myworkflow-parameters.json",
Batch = "myworkflow-batch.json",
Options = "workflow-options.json")
# thisJob$id is now the unique Cromwell ID for your entire workflow - you can use that to request all sorts of metadata!!!
thisOne<- thisJob$id; thisOne
# Returns a data frame of all jobs run in the past number of days (uses your database)
jobs <- cromwellJobs(days = 2)
# Returns a data frame (one line if you only submit one workflow id) containing workflow level metadata
w <- cromwellWorkflow(thisOne)
# This is handy to print the current status of the workflow(s) is(are)
# Returns a data frame containing all call level metadata
c <- cromwellCall(thisOne)
# Handy set of dplyr commands to tell you about how the various calls are doing
c %>% group_by(callName, executionStatus) %>% summarize(status = n()) %>% arrange(executionStatus)
# Returns a data frame containing call level call caching metadata
ca <- cromwellCache(thisOne)
# Handy set of dplyr commands to tell you about what sort of call caching is happening
ca %>% group_by(callCaching.hit, callName) %>% summarize(hits = n())
# Opens up a popup in your browser with a timing diagram in it.
# Returns a data frame containing call level failure metadata
f <- cromwellFailures(thisOne)
# Will tell Cromwell to abort the current workflow - note this cannot be undone and it will take a while to stop all the jobs.
abort <- cromwellAbort(thisOne)
# When a workflow is done, request information about the workflow outputs.
out <- cromwellOutputs(thisOne)
# Ugly list of raw metadata should you need it for workflow troubleshooting
WTF <- cromwellGlob(thisOne); WTF[["failures"]]