1443 commits
to develop
since this release
- repaired dealing with uris in pepper workflow description, a relative path now can be used with './a/b/c' and an absolute path can be used with
'file:/c:/a/b/c' or 'file:///c:/a/b/c' (for windows) and 'file:/a/b/c' or 'file:///a/b/c' (for linux and mac) - status message of progress each 20 seconds, with total progress and progress of each document in each pepper module
- added a better dealing with pepper-module tests when calling testStart(), now the method importCorpusStructure() in case of the fixture
is an importer will be called - class PepperModuleTestException was added to mark, that an exception occured in the user defined tests
- added method isFileToImport(URI) to PepperImporter, this method is a callback, to check if a file shall be imported, in case of the file extension is not enough