This aims to create a low-level game engine framework, for primarily personal use. Apart from a simple demo, no actual game will be implemented here.
- Softbody cloth
- Able to load and draw .obj models
- Freecam controls
- Renderers
- Unicode text & ui quads
- General purpose wireframe
- Instanced sphere
- Modular renderer system
- Logging system
- Rudimentary shadows
- Misc debugging tools
- TODO: UI toolkit
- TODO: In-game shell (with maybe LUA integration?)
- TODO: Config system
- TODO: Multithreading (fibers?)
- TODO: Audio
- Decent unicode support
- Textured quads type
- Glyph caching system (glyphs rendered with Freetype)
- Shaping (HarfBuzz)
- Supports fallback fonts (using a brute force approach)
- Supports bidirectional text (GNU Fribidi)
- Linewrap and basic layouting (centering, aligning, indenting)
- TODO: Line justification
- Text styling: color, italic and bold
- TODO: Underline/strikethrough
- TODO: Borders
- TODO: Vertical text
- TODO: Cursor
This is still a special-purpose text renderer, with certain limitations. Caching system has to be manually tuned for usage patterns, fonts and font sizes. At runtime you need to choose from a limited set of font configurations. It's also only good for 2D use, as SDF isn't suitable for runtime glyph generation. Only monochrome glyphs are supported as well.
- Handle minUniformBufferOffsetAlignment properly
- Temp. patched with __attribute__ aligned 256
- Buffers
- Stop using depricated VMA usage flags
- Stop recreating the staging buffer
- Make sure atlas upload is synced properly
- Pipeline barriers?
- Mechanism to safely destroy vulkan objects during runtime
- Linux
- TODO: Windows
TODO! Should be trivial with MinGW64.
Clone the following repositories or files into lib/
- glfw
- cglm
- VulkanMemoryAllocator
- fast_obj
- Freetype
- stb/stb_image.h
Install the following using your package manager:
- HarfBuzz
- GNU Fribidi