This is the repository of the Tallo database, a global collection of georeferenced and taxonomically standardized records of individual trees for which stem diameter, height and/or crown radius have been measured. For a full description of the database, see: Jucker et al. (2022). Tallo - a global tree allometry and crown architecture database. Global Change Biology, doi:10.1111/GCB.16302 ( If using the Tallo database in your work please cite the original publication listed above.
The repository contains two separate data sets:
The Tallo database itself, along with its associatedand metadata files:
- Tallo.csv: the Tallo database (zipped)
- Tallo_metadata.csv: a metadata file describing the fields of the Tallo.csv file
- Reference_look_up_table.csv: a look-up table matching reference ID codes in the Tallo.csv file to the original data sources
Associated data files and R code used in the publication accompanying the release of the Tallo database:
- R code to replicate case studies.R: the R code that replicates the case studies in Jucker et al. (2022) GCB
- Tallo_environment.csv: environmental data layers for each tree in the Tallo.csv file needed to replicate the case studies in Jucker et al. (2022) GCB (zipped)
- Tallo_environment_metadata.csv: a metadata file describing the fields of the Tallo_environment.csv file
- current_climate.csv: current-day climate data layers at 5-arc minute spatial resolution needed to replicate case study 3 in Jucker et al. (2022) GCB (zipped)
- future_climate_ssp245.csv: projected future climate data layers at 5-arc minute spatial resolution needed to replicate case study 3 in Jucker et al. (2022) GCB (zipped)