A collection of solutions for advent-of-code over the years
This is where I started off during the year of 2018.
The source code is split up into two modules: solutions
and common
Contains the solutions written in java.
To run a specific day, mark the class as a component.
(All tests use springboot to load dependencies and are expected to fail)
Initial year: All days covered.
All days covered.
Started working on days retroactively
Started working on days retroactively
The shared common library used to avoid writing duplicated code for a bunch of generic solutions.
The solutions
module depends on this so all source code can be used.
The library can be used from the scala settings as well. Just use the local maven repository
./gradlew :common:publishToMavenLocal
will produce a maven dist kodvent:common
A utility library containing AoC helper functions for parsing input-data and benchmarking.
A package setup in beginning of 2021 to learn more scala practices by solving the 2017 puzzles retroactively.
This year I will try to stick to solving the whole year using Scala and running each day using sbt.
Solving Aoc with scala.
Solving Aoc with scala.
Solving Aoc with scala.
Solving Aoc with scala.