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Frequently Asked Questions

kraxie edited this page Jul 5, 2024 · 2 revisions

What do I need to do in the Spotify dashboard?

  1. Open the Spotify Dashboard.
  2. Create a new app with any name.
  3. Go to "Settings".
  4. Add "http://localhost:8888" to "Redirect URIs".
  5. Click "View client secret".
  6. Enter "Client ID" and "Client Secret" in the client in their respective fields.
  7. Click "Authenticate" and login to Spotify as usual!

Where is the Privacy Policy?

Currently, no telemetry is collected by the client, and as you setup your own app, no usage information is collected, so there's no use for a privacy policy. A privacy policy will be added if a public app is ever added, or optional telemetry is added, but there are currently no plans for either of them.

Why do I need to enter username and password when starting a Spotify client?

spotify-qt never receives your username or password and can only access the Web API. Actual playback from another client requires additional access that can't be received from just Web API access, thus, they need to be entered manually.