A script to import Lexemes from one Wikibase to another
- Creating items for dialect variants and sources
- Property proposal
- Create query to extract dataset (different columns for each language sense)
- Update base script to match workflow
Since we are just importing the Puno Quechua variant, it is described on Wikidata as Q7260479.
Furthermore, the Runasimi Vocabulary has been described with the Q125537856
The query has been described on Qichwabase, it can be found as example on the Qichwabase's Query Service.
For obatining the subset of quechua lexemes, the following conditions were met:
- Verbs that are described on Puno Quechua dialect
- Verbs that at least contain a glose
The source is available on puno_quechua_verbs_with_forms_senses
#Puno Quechua Lexical entries
#This is a list of Puno Quechua Lexical entries
PREFIX qwb: <https://qichwa.wikibase.cloud/entity/>
PREFIX qdp: <https://qichwa.wikibase.cloud/prop/direct/>
PREFIX qp: <https://qichwa.wikibase.cloud/prop/>
PREFIX qps: <https://qichwa.wikibase.cloud/prop/statement/>
PREFIX qpq: <https://qichwa.wikibase.cloud/prop/qualifier/>
PREFIX qpr: <https://qichwa.wikibase.cloud/prop/reference/>
PREFIX qno: <https://qichwa.wikibase.cloud/prop/novalue/>
SELECT ?entry ?lemma ?language ?lex_cat_wikidata ?des_by_source_P1343
?form1_representation ?form1_spelling_variant
?sense1_gloss_de ?sense1_gloss_en ?sense1_gloss_es ?sense1_gloss_it
BIND("Q5218" AS ?language) #assigning Q5218 = Quechua Wikidata as the language
BIND(?form_representation AS ?form1_representation) #assigning form_representation of puno quechua to form1_representation
BIND("qu-x-Q7260479" AS ?form1_spelling_variant) #Assigning the language-code for the form
BIND("Q24905" AS ?lex_cat_wikidata) #Assignning Q24905 = Verb Wikidata as the lexical category
BIND("Q125537856" AS ?des_by_source_P1343) #Assigning Q125537856 = Runasimi Vocabulary as the source
# Wikidata property: described by source = P1343
?entry a ontolex:LexicalEntry;
wikibase:lemma ?lemma;
wikibase:lexicalCategory qwb:Q99 ; #Category Q99 = V.tr Qichwabase
wikibase:lexicalCategory [rdfs:label ?lexical_category] ;
qp:P16 [qps:P16 ?form_representation;
qpq:P17 qwb:Q116; #Q116 = Cusco-Collao (aiu) Qichwabase
?entry ontolex:sense ?sense1_de .
?sense1_de skos:definition ?sense1_gloss_de.
?entry ontolex:sense ?sense1_en .
?sense1_en skos:definition ?sense1_gloss_en.
#OPTIONAL { # at least contains spanish gloss
?entry ontolex:sense ?sense1_es .
?sense1_es skos:definition ?sense1_gloss_es.
?entry ontolex:sense ?sense1_it .
?sense1_it skos:definition ?sense1_gloss_it.
In total there should be about 1650 lexemes to be imported to Wikidata.
pip install -r requirements.txt