Small service for converting html to pdf.
This service is a unix daemon that provides an API through the methods of the HTTP/1.1 protocol. The daemon uses the fork model to process requests. To convert html to pdf, wkhtmltopdf is used.
Detailed API documentation is provided here in the TiddlyWiki format.
The installation is described for Centos 7. There should be no problems in other distributions, you just need to replace the package names.
On the server, actions are performed sequentially on the command line from the root user, unless otherwise specified.
adding an epel repository
yum -y install epel-release
installing dependencies
yum -y install perl wget liberation-serif-fonts ghostscript
yum -y install perl-parent perl-Net-Server perl-Plack \
perl-Pod-Usage perl-Log-Dispatch perl-Archive-Zip perl-File-Temp perl-Capture-Tiny \
perl-Image-ExifTool perl-Config-Tiny
installing the wkhtmltopdf package from the official website
yum -y install
creating a user from whom the API daemon will work
useradd -r -c "api conversion html to pdf" -d /opt/htmltopdf -m -s /sbin/nologin htmltopdf
getting the source code of the daemon (focus on the current release)
wget -O /tmp/htmltopdf_3.3.0.tar.gz
unpacking the source code
tar -xvzf /tmp/htmltopdf_3.3.0.tar.gz --strip=1 -C /opt/htmltopdf
creating a file for storing authorization tokens on our API: /opt/htmltopdf/api/acl.conf
# each token on a separate line
# example:
# bea606df1a111f5eed3d2b88eba30bcb
# 56fe5d5ee5abaf9934227091a6b32ab5
# ...
# the token can be obtained by the command:
# echo -n `date '+%a, %d %b %Y %T %z %N'` | md5sum | awk '{print $1}'
# Horns and Hooves branch
setting the file owner
chown -R htmltopdf.htmltopdf /opt/htmltopdf
enabling log rotation
cat /opt/htmltopdf/htmltopdf.logrotate > /etc/logrotate.d/htmltopdf
enabling auto start and launching the daemon
cat /opt/htmltopdf/htmltopdf.service > /etc/systemd/system/htmltopdf.service
systemctl enable htmltopdf && systemctl start htmltopdf
getting the source code of the daemon (focus on the current release)
wget -O /tmp/htmltopdf_3.3.0.tar.gz
unpacking the source code
tar -xvzf /tmp/htmltopdf_3.3.0.tar.gz -C /tmp
building a docker image
cd /tmp/htmltopdf-3.3.0/docker
docker build -t htmltopdf:3.3.0 .
creating directories for a container
mkdir -p /opt/htmltopdf_docker/{log,unzipping}
creating a file for storing authorization tokens on our API: /opt/htmltopdf_docker/acl.conf
# each token on a separate line
# example:
# bea606df1a111f5eed3d2b88eba30bcb
# 56fe5d5ee5abaf9934227091a6b32ab5
# ...
# the token can be obtained by the command:
# echo -n `date '+%a, %d %b %Y %T %z %N'` | md5sum | awk '{print $1}'
# Horns and Hooves branch
enabling log rotation
cat /tmp/htmltopdf-3.3.0/docker/htmltopdf.logrotate > /etc/logrotate.d/htmltopdf_docker
docker run \
--name htmltopdf \
--net host \
--detach \
--restart unless-stopped \
--volume /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
--volume /opt/htmltopdf_docker/log:/opt/htmltopdf/api/log \
--volume /opt/htmltopdf_docker/unzipping:/opt/htmltopdf/api/unzipping \
--volume /opt/htmltopdf_docker/acl.conf:/opt/htmltopdf/api/acl.conf \
The environment variable TF_VAR_htmltopdf_version specifies the htmltopdf version to installed.
creating an AWS instance
cd iac/terraform
terraform init
export TF_VAR_htmltopdf_version=3.3.0 && terraform apply
get the ip address of instance
cd iac/ansible
terraform -chdir=../terraform/ output -raw instance_public_ip_addr
in the inventory file "iac/ansible/hosts" change the variable ansible_host and run playbook
cd iac/ansible
export TF_VAR_htmltopdf_version=3.3.0 && ansible-playbook playbook.yml
after successful installation, the service will be available at the url http://instance_public_ip_addr/htmltopdf