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This is K-Scale's library for running simulation experiments.


When you try to render a trajectory while on a headless system, you may get an error like the following:

mujoco.FatalError: an OpenGL platform library has not been loaded into this process, this most likely means that a valid OpenGL context has not been created before mjr_makeContext was called

The fix is to create a virtual display:

Xvfb :100 -ac &
export DISPLAY=:100.0


The following terminology is relevant to understanding RL tasks.

  • EnvState: includes obs, command, action, reward, and done. The latter two are conditioned on the transition produced by the action.
  • Dataset: a set of EnvStates used for training an RL update. Fully defined by num_env_states_per_minibatch * num_minibatches.
  • Minibatch: a subset of the dataset used for training an RL update. Updates are performed per minibatch.
  • Minibatch size: the number of environment states in each minibatch.
  • Epoch: number of full passes through the current training dataset.
  • Num Envs: the amount of parallel environments to run. Because of automatic resetting, this should not affect the batch math (in expectation).

Variable Naming Conventions

Please use these units in the suffixes of variable names. For PyTrees, assume consistency of all dimensions except L. If including the timestampe would help someone understand the variable, do the dimension suffix first, then the timestamp suffix. (e.g. mjx_data_L_0). If it helps, specify return units in function docstrings.

Dimension suffixes:

  • D: dimension of environment states in the dataset.
  • B: dimension of environment states in each minibatch.
  • T: the time dimension during rollout.
  • E: the env dimension during rollout.
  • L: leaf dimension of a pytree (e.g. joint position vector size in an obs), should not be used if the variable's final dimension is a scalar.

Timestamp suffixes:

  • t: current timestep
  • t_plus_1: next timestep
  • t_minus_1: previous timestep
  • t_0: initial timestep
  • t_f: final timestep

These should absolutely be annotated:

  • mjx.Data
  • mjx.Model
  • Everything relevant to EnvState (e.g. obs, command, action, etc.)

Sharp Bits

  • Add all sharp bits or unorthodox (yet correct) design decisions here.


K-Scale simulation training library





