This is TUI bookmark manager baked with ratatui. This is TUI bookmark manager written with ratatui. It could be useful in case you have an account in Tagpacker. It provides you with a fuzzy search in bookmark's names and URLs + search via tags and their combination.
Provide the app with the DATABASE_URL env variable (or .env file) with the full path to the SQLite database file.
- The app isn't fully async.
- The app allows multiple tags selection (even on the same ones)
- The tags cannot be reset/deselect.
- Selected tags aren't scrollable.
- The app crashes if you provide "Url" field in creation mode with invalid Url.
- Back synchronization from the app to the Tagpacker isn't implemented.
- Sqlite request aren't optimal.
- Keymap and colors are hardcoded
- Bugfixing the mentioned problems
- Elm architecture for the main loop