zef install Terminal::asciisketch
zef install https://github.com/ktown007/perl6-terminal-asciisketch.git
use Terminal::asciisketch ;
my $a = Terminal::asciisketch.new(width => 10 , height => 3 );
print $a.parse: "3 10,1,1 h10 11 l d" ;
$a.h ; $a.j ; $a.k ; $a.l ;
directions are vi key bindings ;) pen colour 0-9 are ascii grey scale pen colour 32-126 are ascii characters pen colour 10-12 are a few emojis
$a.p: 10
set pen colour, note this accidentally created a new customizable code table. On the plus side it allows you to extend acsii with arbitrary unicode 🙂.
$a.pc: 15, "F"
set a character for a pen colour
draw picture
write history of commands, can be used with parse
$a.goto: 0,0,1
teleport to x,y,p p=1 pen down p=0 pen up
toggle pen up/down
reset picture
Some dude who will do turtle graphics next.
Copyright 2018 Ken Town
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.