Get the name of any of the 249 countries listed in English US, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and/or Simplified Chinese.
receives the country Alpha2 code and the locale corresponding to the language in which the country name is going to be shown.
Llaxta.t("CH", "en_us") # => "Switzerland"
Llaxta.t("CH", "es") # => "Suiza"
Llaxta.t("CH", "pt_br") # => "Suíça"
Llaxta.t("CH", "zh_cn") # => "瑞士"
For convenience, and because there's only 4 supported locales, you can use the short version of the languages English (us
), Portuguese (br
) and Chinese (cn
Llaxta.t("CH", "us") # => "Switzerland"
Llaxta.t("CH", "br") # => "Suíça"
Llaxta.t("CH", "cn") # => "瑞士"
receives a country name and a locale, and returns the country alpha2 if it can be found through the given country name for the given locale.
Llaxta.alpha2("Etiópia", "br") # => "ET"
Llaxta.alpha2("埃塞俄比亚", "cn") # => "ET"
Llaxta.alpha2("Etiopía", "es") # => "ET"
Llaxta.alpha2("Ethiopia", "us") # => "ET"