Releases: kuijjerlab/sisana
Releases · kuijjerlab/sisana
Many features are now available in the new version. These include the following:
- Filtering of all PPI, motif, and gene expression files, which is a prerequisite for running PANDA/LIONESS.
- Filtering the output of Lioness for only edges found in the prior.
- Calculation of the in-and out-degree of genes and TFs, respectively.
- Reducing the number of decimal places in either the PANDA/LIONESS output or the calculated in-/out-degrees, which greatly saves on storage space.
- Extraction of specific TFs/genes, which is useful for analyses such as limma (see Ritchie et al., 2015). An option to perform analyses with limma is not available as part of this software.
- Comparison of groups identified in dimension reduction techniques such as UMAP or tSNE. These include comparisons of TFs/genes between two groups, survival analysis between groups, and gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA)
- Visualization of these results via volcano plots, box plots, violin plots, and heatmaps is also possible.