A curated list of Flow
services and tools for software developers
Access node - Flow's network node configuration information, which can be used in SDK and client
- Testnet:
- Mainnet:
- Testnet:
View contract - View account and smart contract deployment information (source code)
- Testnet:
- Mainnet:
- Testnet:
Flow network status:
- Cadence tutorial - The tutorial of the smart contract programming language on Flow
- Cadence Playground - Here, you can easily complete the basic work of Cadence development chain currency, collectibles, market and more, all of which are based on Flow.
- Cadence VScode plugin - Support syntax highlighting in VScode and Flow Blockchain Simulator
- Playground Enhancer for Chrome - Cadence Playground's auxiliary plug-in Chrome version
- Playground Enhancer for Firefox - Cadence Playground's auxiliary plug-in Firefox version
- Cadence vs. Solidity by Ken
- Kitty-items - Flow development best practices
- flow-emulator - Flow Blockchain Simulator for easy local development
- Flowscan - Flow's block explorer
- Flow-bigdipper - Flow's block explorer
- Testnet faucet - Testnet faucet and account creation page.
- flow-js-sdk - Flow's JavaScript SDK was created to make it easy and safe to develop JavaScript applications connected to the Flow blockchain.
- flow-go-sdk - Tools for building Go applications on Flow
- flow-jvm-sdk - Tools for building JVM-based applications on Flow
- go-with-the-flow - Example of interaction between Go and Flow
- Flow dappstarter - Flow full stack development scaffolding project
- FCL Demo - blocto wallet interactive use Demo (mainnet)
- flow-hello-world - flow-hello-world demo
- flow-node-deploy-contract-example
- cadence-deployer - Examples of Cadence contract deployment
- BerkleyBlockchainDemo - Demo based on Flow blockchain
- temp-dapp-no-react - Don't use React to interact with Flow
- flow-ruby - Simple interaction between Flow and Ruby
- NBA Top Shot - Have the best moment in NBA history.
- intangible.market by Veerman
- Moment Ranks
- Evaluate Market
- swyysh - Fantasy Game for NBA Top Shot Moments
- topshot-explorer -Information on the chain of NBA Top shot Browser.
- VIV3-NFT market that empowers artists and creators.
- Kitty-items - Developers can refer to the best practices of Flow development for development.
- blocto wallet - A wallet that supports Flow.
- bloctoswap - bloctoswap is a swap dapp developed based on flow.
- flow-pixel-heads - flow cryptopunks
- picky-cryptokitty - a cat game on flow
- OWB Summer 2020 Capstone Project
- Genies
- Chain Monsters
- Flow official website
- Flow official documentation
- Flow Github
- Flow primer
- Flow white paper
- Cadence Language Reference Document
- Flow Forum
- Flow Twitter
- Flow Discord
- Flow Blog
- Flow Github (Official)
- Flow Chinese Navigation
- Flow fan community
- Flow Github (China)
- Flow Github (Japan)
Note: Some contracts may cause code incompatibility exceptions due to playground upgrades, cadence updates, etc.
Round 1
Create a game of Transformers NFT, you can scan objects and convert them to Transformers
Game, you can use configurable car parts to assemble into a complete car
An adventure game inspired by Shadowrun, where you can explore the map and find clues
Round 2
Voting smart contract that allows voters to prioritize the proposals they voted
Voting system in which members are assigned voting rights based on their role in the organization
Voting contract that allows voters to divide their voting rights as a percentage
Show that users can show their NFTs so that others can vote and like them
Round 3
Tools and accessories for NFT, allowing NFT to keep records of comments and creations
Stack-based execution environment, define different resources as opcodes in programming languages
Flow name service contract that simulates domain name service in smart contract