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Releases: kunpengcompute/Spark-graph-algo-lib

Spark-graph-algo-lib-Spark3.1.1 v2.1.0

13 Jun 02:31
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In this version, the library provides 16 graph algorithms: triangle count (TC), weak clique enumeration (WCE), maximal clique enumeration (MCE), modualrity, cycle detection (CD), label propagation algorithm (LPA), Louvain, PageRank, Multiple Source shortest path(MSSP), strongly connected components (SCC), K-core decomposition (KCore), breadth-first-search (BFS), ClusteringCoefficient, PersonalizedPageRank, Betweenness and SubgraphMatching.

Spark-graph-algo-lib-Spark2.4.6 v2.1.0

30 Mar 02:36
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In this version, the library provides 23 graph algorithms: triangle count (TC), weak clique enumeration (WCE), maximal clique enumeration (MCE), modularity, closeness, cycle detection (CD), label propagation algorithm (LPA), Louvain, PageRank, IncPageRank, Weighted PageRank, shortest-paths, Strongly Connected Components (SCC), Cycle Detection (CC), K-Core Decomposition (KCore), Degree Centrality (Degree), Breadth-First-Search (BFS), ClusteringCoefficient, TrustRank, PersonalizedPageRank, Betweenness, Node2Vec and SubgraphMatching.


This release includes 2 new graph algorithms and a patch:
-feature: Added 2 graph algorithms to the library.
-patch: Released a patch based for the library.
-jar: Released 2 jars based on Centos7.6 and Spark2.4.6.

Spark-graph-algo-lib-Spark2.3.2 v2.1.0

30 Mar 02:35
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In this version, the library provides 23 graph algorithms: triangle count (TC), weak clique enumeration (WCE), maximal clique enumeration (MCE), modularity, closeness, cycle detection (CD), label propagation algorithm (LPA), Louvain, PageRank, IncPageRank, Weighted PageRank, shortest-paths, Strongly Connected Components (SCC), Cycle Detection (CC), K-Core Decomposition (KCore), Degree Centrality (Degree), Breadth-First-Search (BFS), ClusteringCoefficient, TrustRank, PersonalizedPageRank, Betweenness, Node2Vec and SubgraphMatching.


This release includes 2 new graph algorithms and a patch:
-feature: Added 2 graph algorithms to the library.
-patch: Released a patch based for the library.
-jar: Released 2 jars based on Centos7.6 and Spark2.3.2.

Spark-graph-algo-lib-spark2.3.2 v1.3.0

30 Mar 02:35
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In this version, the library provides 21 graph algorithms: triangle count (TC), weak clique enumeration (WCE), maximal clique enumeration (MCE), modularity, closeness, cycle detection (CD), label propagation algorithm (LPA), Louvain, PageRank, shortest-paths, Strongly Connected Components (SCC), Cycle Detection (CC), K-Core Decomposition (KCore), Degree Centrality (Degree), Breadth-First-Search (BFS), ClusteringCoefficient, TrustRank, PersonalizedPageRank, Betweenness, Node2Vec and SubgraphMatching.


This release includes 6 new graph algorithms and a patch:

  • feature: Added 6 graph algorithms to the library.
  • patch: Released a patch based on the difference between current version and Spark 2.3.2
  • jar: Released 2 jars based on Centos7.6 and Spark2.3.2.

Spark-graph-algo-lib-spark2.4.6 v1.3.0

08 Jul 07:20
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In this version, the library provides 21 graph algorithms: triangle count (TC), weak clique enumeration (WCE), maximal clique enumeration (MCE), modularity, closeness, cycle detection (CD), label propagation algorithm (LPA), Louvain, PageRank, shortest-paths, Strongly Connected Components (SCC), Cycle Detection (CC), K-Core Decomposition (KCore), Degree Centrality (Degree), Breadth-First-Search (BFS), ClusteringCoefficient, TrustRank, PersonalizedPageRank, Betweenness, Node2Vec and SubgraphMatching.


This release includes 6 new graph algorithms and a patch:

  • feature: Added 6 graph algorithms to the library.
  • patch: Released a patch based on the difference between current version and Spark 2.4.6
  • jar: Released 2 jars based on Centos7.6 and Spark2.4.6.

Spark-graph-algo-lib v1.2.0

29 Mar 03:04
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In this version, the library provides 11 graph algorithms: triangle count (TC), weak clique enumeration (WCE), maximal clique enumeration (MCE), modularity, closeness, cycle detection (CD), label propagation algorithm (LPA), Louvain, PageRank, shortest-paths, and strongly connected components (SCC), Cycle Detection (CC), K-Core Decomposition (KCore), Degree Centrality (Degree), Breadth-First-Search (BFS).


This release includes 4 new graph algorithms and a patch:

  • feature: Added 4 graph algorithms to the library.
  • patch: Released a patch based on the difference between current version and Spark 2.3.2

Spark-graph-algo-lib v1.1.0

06 Jan 08:31
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In this version, the library provides 11 graph algorithms: triangle count (TC), weak clique enumeration (WCE), maximal clique enumeration (MCE), modularity, closeness, cycle detection (CD), label propagation algorithm (LPA), Louvain, PageRank, shortest-paths, and strongly connected components (SCC).


This release includes 7 new graph algorithms and a patch:

  • feature: Added 7 graph algorithms to the library.
  • patch: Released a patch based on the difference between current version and Spark 2.3.2

Spark-graph-algo-lib v1.0.0

08 Sep 04:30
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This library is optimized based on open-source Spark graph algorithms and provides 4 graph algorithms.


This release includes new graph algorithms and an introduction to the library:

  • feature: Added graph algorithms.
  • doc: Added an introduction to this library.