RainKit is a swift extensions collection that allow you to use builder pattern to setting UIKit component in a quick and elegant chained-way.
Using RainKit, you can make UI setup super easy:
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Swift and Objective-C Cocoa projects. For any detail you can visit their website. To integrate RainKit into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, add below line in your Podfile
pod 'RainKit'
Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks. To integrate RainKit into your Xcode project using Carthage, add below line in your Cartfile
github "RainKit"
- isUserInteractionEnabled
- clipsToBounds
- backgroundColor
- isHidden
- addGestureRecognizer
- cornerRadius
- masksToBounds
- borderWidth
- borderColor
- others...
- title
- titleColor
- font
- image
- backgroundImage
- others...
- text
- textColor
- font
- numberOfLines
- others...
- scrollViewDelegate
- alwaysBounceVertical
- alwaysBounceHorizontal
- isPagingEnabled
- isScrollEnabled
- contentInset
- contentOffset
- contentSize
- others...
- dataSource
- delegate
- separatorStyle
- estimatedRowHeight
- others...
- dataSource
- delegate
- others...
- ⚡️UIWindow
- ⚡️UIView
- ⚡️UIControl
- ⚡️UIImageView
- ⚡️UIButton
- ⚡️UILabel
- ⚡️UIStackView
- ⚡️UISearchBar
- ⚡️UIScrollView
- ⚡️UITableView
- ⚡️UICollectionView
- ⚡️UINavigationBar
- ⚡️UINavigationItem
- ⚡️UIBarButtonItem
- ⚡️UIViewController
- ⚡️SFSafariViewController
- ⚡️MKMapView
- iOS 10 or later
- Swift 4.0+
RainKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.