Minecraft mod for ppl of culture
general progression:
-sigth mod content and get chat message hinting at the obtention of notebooks
-obtain notebook, create a compendium by studying one of the subjects (artifice, magic, mythical beasts, alchemy, geology)
-craft a soul mirror to choose your arcane origin and progress your perks
-craft an alchemy table and attempt a few cococtions like isolating elements or creating compounds(table uses concepts such as:NCTP, balance, concentration, catalizers, reversible reactions, endothermy and exothermy
-calcite deposits are crafted into chalk (randomly breaks instead of durability, stackable)for magic circles and alchemy, wolframium ore (mining level obsidian)
-spellcrafting table, starter spells, small rites
-studies of wyverns, their poison, its alchemical and arcane properties/ hunting of basilisks
-construction of the doomsday forge (netherite crucible) and ignition with soul sand and the rite of everlasting hellfire
-processing of the wolframium into usable plates, chains and ingots
-alchemical processing of blackstone into deep stone used in the construction of pedestals and pilars for the spiral infuser
-enchanting of wolframium gear into usable gear capable of shrugging off blaze hits, resisting the onslaugth of a phoenix's divine flames and essentialy unbreakable, before any further magical augumentation besides weigth