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This repository has been archived by the owner on Oct 21, 2024. It is now read-only.

feat: Normalize cli kontrol api property names using camelCase #80

feat: Normalize cli kontrol api property names using camelCase

feat: Normalize cli kontrol api property names using camelCase #80

Workflow file for this run

# Our desired pipeline using only a Nix shell environment
name: E2E tests
id-token: write
contents: read
- main
- "v*.*.*"
- main
name: E2E tests
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
- name: Git checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Install Nix
uses: cachix/install-nix-action@v27
# relax sandbox due impure kontrol-service tests during build
extra_nix_config: |
sandbox = relaxed
- name: Magic cache
uses: DeterminateSystems/magic-nix-cache-action@v7
- name: Build and load kontrol service image
run: |
docker load < $(nix build ./#kontrol-service-container --no-link --print-out-paths)
- name: Start kontrol service and Postgres
run: |
docker version
docker compose -f ci/docker-compose.yml up -d
docker ps
- name: Wait for docker network to be ready
run: sleep 10s
shell: bash
- name: Install CLI
run: curl -sL | sh
- name: Verify kardinal command
run: bash -c 'source ~/.bashrc; if kardinal | grep -q "Kardinal CLI"; then exit 0; else exit 1; fi'
- name: Retrieve the tenant UUID
id: tenant
run: |
tenant_id=$(kardinal tenant show)
echo "id=${tenant_id}" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
- name: Deploy boutique demo manifest
run: |
KARDINAL_CLI_DEV_MODE=TRUE kardinal deploy -k ci/obd-demo.yaml
- name: Validate cluster resources endpoint
run: |
tenant_id=${{ }}
services=$(curl http://localhost:8080/tenant/${tenant_id}/cluster-resources | jq -r '.services[]' | tr " " "\n" | sort -g | tr "\n" " " | xargs)
echo "Services: $services"
if [ "${services}" != "cartservice frontend postgres productcatalogservice" ]; then exit 1; fi
deployments=$(curl http://localhost:8080/tenant/${tenant_id}/cluster-resources | jq -r '.deployments[]' | tr " " "\n" | sort -g | tr "\n" " " | xargs)
echo "Deployments: $deployments"
if [ "${deployments}" != "cartservice-baseline frontend-baseline postgres-baseline productcatalogservice-baseline" ]; then exit 1; fi
- name: Validate topology endpoint
run: |
tenant_id=${{ }}
nodes=$(curl http://localhost:8080/tenant/${tenant_id}/topology | jq -r '.nodes[].id' | tr " " "\n" | sort -g | tr "\n" " " | xargs)
if [ "${nodes}" != "cartservice free-currency-api frontend frontend-external postgres productcatalogservice" ]; then exit 1; fi
- name: Create, validate and delete flow
run: |
KARDINAL_CLI_DEV_MODE=TRUE kardinal flow create frontend kurtosistech/frontend:demo-frontend > kardinal.out
flow_id=$(grep "Flow.*created" kardinal.out | cut -d ' ' -f2 | tr -d "\"")
echo "FlowID: $flow_id"
tenant_id=${{ }}
deployments=$(curl http://localhost:8080/tenant/${tenant_id}/cluster-resources | jq -r '.deployments[]' | tr " " "\n" | sort -g | tr "\n" " " | xargs)
echo "Deployments: $deployments"
if [ "${deployments}" != "cartservice-baseline frontend-baseline frontend-${flow_id} postgres-baseline productcatalogservice-baseline" ]; then exit 1; fi
KARDINAL_CLI_DEV_MODE=TRUE kardinal flow ls | grep ${flow_id}
KARDINAL_CLI_DEV_MODE=TRUE kardinal flow delete ${flow_id}
- name: Create, validate and delete a more complex flow
run: |
KARDINAL_CLI_DEV_MODE=TRUE kardinal flow create frontend kurtosistech/frontend:demo-on-sale -s productcatalogservice=kurtosistech/productcatalogservice:demo-on-sale > kardinal.out
flow_id=$(grep "Flow.*created" kardinal.out | cut -d ' ' -f2 | tr -d "\"")
echo "FlowID: $flow_id"
tenant_id=${{ }}
deployments=$(curl http://localhost:8080/tenant/${tenant_id}/cluster-resources | jq -r '.deployments[]' | tr " " "\n" | sort -g | tr "\n" " " | xargs)
echo "Deployments: $deployments"
if [ "${deployments}" != "cartservice-baseline frontend-baseline frontend-${flow_id} postgres-baseline productcatalogservice-baseline productcatalogservice-${flow_id}" ]; then exit 1; fi
KARDINAL_CLI_DEV_MODE=TRUE kardinal flow ls | grep ${flow_id}
KARDINAL_CLI_DEV_MODE=TRUE kardinal flow delete ${flow_id}
- name: Create template
run: |
KARDINAL_CLI_DEV_MODE=TRUE kardinal template create extra-item-shared --template-yaml ci/template.yaml --description "Extra item and postgres is shared"
KARDINAL_CLI_DEV_MODE=TRUE kardinal template ls | grep "extra-item-shared"
- name: Create flow with template and delete flow
run: |
KARDINAL_CLI_DEV_MODE=TRUE kardinal flow create frontend kurtosistech/frontend:demo-frontend --template-args ci/template_args.yaml --template extra-item-shared > kardinal.out
flow_id=$(grep "Flow.*created" kardinal.out | cut -d ' ' -f2 | tr -d "\"")
KARDINAL_CLI_DEV_MODE=TRUE kardinal flow ls | grep ${flow_id}
KARDINAL_CLI_DEV_MODE=TRUE kardinal flow delete ${flow_id}
- name: Delete template
run: |
KARDINAL_CLI_DEV_MODE=TRUE kardinal template delete extra-item-shared
- name: Delete base topology and dev flows
run: |
KARDINAL_CLI_DEV_MODE=TRUE kardinal flow delete baseline
if KARDINAL_CLI_DEV_MODE=TRUE kardinal flow ls | grep baseline; then echo "Topologies not deleted"; exit 1; fi
tenant_id=${{ }}
deployments=$(curl http://localhost:8080/tenant/${tenant_id}/cluster-resources | jq -r '.deployments[]' | tr " " "\n" | sort -g | tr "\n" " " | xargs)
if [ "${deployments}" != "" ]; then echo "Deployments list not empty"; exit 1; fi