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Private Registry Deployed Cluster

Kardinal Kontrol

Developing instructions

  1. Enter the dev shell and start the local cluster:
nix develop
  1. You're also likely to use a local k8s, in this case minikube is available to use:
kubectl config set-context minikube
minikube start --driver=docker --cpus=10 --memory 8192 --disk-size 32g
minikube addons enable ingress
minikube addons enable metrics-server
istioctl install --set profile=demo -y
minikube dashboard

On a second terminal, start the tunnel:

minikube tunnel

Publishing multi-arch images

To publish multi-arch images, you can use the following command:

$(nix build .#publish-<SERVICE_NAME>-container --no-link --print-out-paths)/bin/push

# For instance, to publish the kontrol-service image:
$(nix build .#publish-kontrol-service-container --no-link --print-out-paths)/bin/push

Deploying Kontrol service to local cluster

Building and loading image into minikube:

# First set the docker context to minikube
eval $(minikube docker-env)
docker load < $(nix build ./#kontrol-service-container --no-link --print-out-paths)

To build and run the service directly in dev mode (a locally running Postgres DB is required):

DB_HOSTNAME=localhost DB_USERNAME=postgres DB_NAME=kardinal DB_PORT=5432 DB_PASSWORD=<database password> nix run ./#kontrol-service -- -dev-mode

Regenerate gomod2nix.toml

You will need to do this every time a go.mod file is edited

nix develop
gomod2nix generate