Pulling in - adding relevant amends # By Mehdi Lahmam (11) and others # Via Arthur (3) and others * 'master' of github.com:zurb/foundation-rails: (24 commits) Version up to Updating to 5.5.3 ruby version number change for deploy Publishing 5.5.3 explicitly write core foundation first, only append modules Bump to Add a `.ruby-version` file setting Ruby version to 2.2.1 Fix the generator class path by moving it to it's standard path. Because: Rails wasn't picking up the generator when used in an engine as it wasn't namespaced as expected. Add a Travis CI config file Add RSpec based specs. Because: We encountered lately too much :boom: that could be avoided. Add a dummy style guide view, based ons Foundation docs' Kitchen Sink This help us to quickly verify everything is Ok inside a Rails app. We were relying before on `foundation-rails` style guide as a mounted engine, which was causing problems. Run `rails g foundation:install` in the test dummy app Replace test dummy app by a newer one with Rails 4.2 and Foundation 5.5 Correct JavaScript files require order. Bumoing Version & Code Bumping Version Bumping Version Bump to Require 'foundation' before the rest of the JS files ... Conflicts: vendor/assets/stylesheets/foundation/components/_forms.scss vendor/assets/stylesheets/foundation/components/_offcanvas.scss