QuadViewer is a data visualization tool built in Python for visualization data generated by case-control studies. This project began as my Capstone project for the Masters of Science in Biotechnology degree through the University of Maryland Global Campus. The original repo for the capstone can be found here in which that repo is now locked to the state it was submitted. This repo will serve to further develop the application.
The original Capstone project was built in collaboration with Dr. William Ray of the Battelle Center for Mathematical Medicine at Nationwide Children's Hospital.
- Fix axis scaling issues
- Plotly was having issues respecting plot window sizing when displaying the legend. A fix is needed to keep the aspect ratio consistent
- Implement additional visualization tools
- Line at 45 degree for each quadrant and color code each point based on variance from that line
- Ability to select points and display addition graphs and figures for those selected points
- Code modulization
- The current state of the project is inconsistently formatted. The project should be broken into modules based on functionality
- Fix library imports since some libraries have been imported but are not used
- Docker configuration
- Current deployment is to web server or GitHub repo. A docker deployment will help others install and run this program