Our product is for the social media realm of food, connecting food lovers, restaurant owners, and the average individual together. Our product will solve the need for more advertisement or discovery for people who would like to get their cooking ideas out to the world in a detailed fashion or find new ones. The product name is Social Grub. It is a free mobile application that intrigues the user to use it as another social media platform. Unlike the competing cooking/recipe market, Social Grub focuses on a user driven interface rather than a corporate one. Social Grub will provide a general forum board where users can interact.
Users will be able to post their recipes and search recipe results. This will allow them to select certain requirements and the query will return the highest rated recipes that fulfill their specific needs. The query can also be based on their food preferences and list recipes based on these preferences. Additionally, users can link accounts with another user in which the recipes will be shared. This is especially useful for larger families in which multiple people cook and want to share recipes easily. Social Grub will enable a social media food experience like no other.
- kylekaracadag - Kyle Karacadag
- Jixster07 - Nicholas Thiemann
- RicardoMangandi - Ricardo Mangandi
- allecp - Allec Pereira
- mochilover1452 - Rudolph Garcia
Burndown Chart:
Velocity Chart:
- Kyle Karacadag - Worked on documentation
- Nicholas Thiemann - Created Hello World App and Firebase
- Ricardo Mangandi - Worked on documentation and completed research for the project.
- Allec Pereira - Worked on documentation
- Rudolph Garcia - Worked on documentation and completed research for the project.
- Trello Board (Backlogs and Requirements)
- Burndown Chart:
- Velocity Chart:
- System Architecture
- Product Demonstration
- Kyle Karacadag - Worked on documentation and research for the project
- Nicholas Thiemann - Worked on documentation and research for the project
- Ricardo Mangandi - Worked on documentation and research for the project
- Allec Pereira - Designed UI for login and register page
- Rudolph Garcia - Worked on documentation and research for the project
- Trello Board (Backlogs and Requirements)
- Burndown Chart:
- Velocity Chart:
- System Architecture
- Product Demonstration
- Testing
- Kyle Karacadag - Worked on documentation and added "Forgot Password" functionality
- Nicholas Thiemann - Wrote tests, implemented register activity, changed names to coding standard.
- Ricardo Mangandi - Wrote tests, implemented sign in feature, and modified architecture documentation.
- Allec Pereira - Wrote tests, and created demonstration video
- Rudolph Garcia - Wrote tests, worked on the Explore Page of the app
- Trello Board (Backlogs and Requirements)
- Burndown Chart:
- Velocity Chart:
- System Architecture
- Source Code
- Automated Tests
- Product Demonstration
- Kyle Karacadag - Worked the functionality to the user's posts on their profile page and added character limit to the title when creating a recipe
- Nicholas Thiemann - Worked on the recipe post creation page (Desription and general layout) and adedd the two password confirmation
- Ricardo Mangandi - Wrote espresso unit tests for all working functionalities and completed the settings function in the app.
- Allec Pereira - Worked on feature that allows user to select picture from camera roll, and account verification feature
- Rudolph Garcia - Created a post recipe page with functionality to add ingredients, create a title for the recipe, cancel the recipe post, and added a button to the explore page to access the post recipe page
- Trello Board (Backlogs and Requirements)
- Burndown Chart:
- Velocity Chart:
- Manual Test
- System Architecture
- Source Code
- Automated Tests
- Product Demonstration
- Kyle Karacadag - Updated the UI diagram and worked on displaying recipes on profile page
- Nicholas Thiemann - Helped build and pass the recipe class between recipe building activities and to the databse
- Ricardo Mangandi - Implemented the database feature of our app so all user posts are stored in the firebase database.
- Allec Pereira - Implemented change profile picture feature and worked on trello board
- Rudolph Garcia - Added UI and functionality for the ingredients page and directions page for the create recipe page.
- Trello Board (Backlogs and Requirements)
- Burndown Chart:
- Velocity Chart:
- Manual Test
- System Architecture
- Source Code
- Automated Tests
- Product Demonstration
- Kyle Karacadag - Worked on displaying user posts on the user's profile page
- Nicholas Thiemann - Refactored Create Recipe Activities, added 170+ tags to database. Worked on tags page.
- Ricardo Mangandi - Worked on the Explore page to ensure that all previously posted items in the database appeared for the user. Wrote some manual tests.
- Allec Pereira - Worked on changing account information and project demonstration
- Rudolph Garcia - Worked on the UI of the Add Ingredients, Add Directions, and the Log In page
- Trello Board (Backlogs and Requirements)
- Burndown Chart:
- Velocity Chart:
- Manual Test
- System Architecture
- Source Code
- Automated Tests
- Product Demonstration
- Kyle Karacadag - Added user information on the profile page and worked on making the posts clickable.
- Nicholas Thiemann - Completed Tags page. Completed Explore page Search. Wrote manual tests for both.
- Ricardo Mangandi - Completed the page where the user can modify their directions and ingredients before they post. Collaborated on the tags page.
- Allec Pereira - Worked on the edit profile page activity, wrote automated tests for the profile activity, and recorded the demonstration video
- Rudolph Garcia - Worked the post's U.I for the explore page, modified the design of the Log In Page, and contributed to the Search page
- Trello Board (Backlogs and Requirements)
- Burndown Chart:
- Velocity Chart:
- Manual Tests
- System Architecture
- Source Code
- Automated Tests
- Product Demonstration
- Kyle Karacadag - Worked on fixing the formatting for the profile page and parts of the final video
- Nicholas Thiemann - Completed the rating system. Added ratings and tags to each post card. Formatting.
- Ricardo Mangandi - Completed the feature to allow comments on posts and fixed minor bugs.
- Allec Pereira - Help fix edit profie page bugs
- Rudolph Garcia - Edited the design and format for the pages of the app and the post card