is a small set of tools to introspect and debug a zim file.
It doesn't depends of libzim and may not
follow the official spec.
Despite I also work for the openzim and
kiwix projects, pyzim-tools
a personal project and is not affiliated with those projects.
It is intended for personal use and you should probably not use it in production.
You are welcome to report bug, feature request or pull request but I do not guaranty any bug fix or integration of your code.
This code is GPLv3.0
To install pyzim-tools (probably in a virtualenv) :
pip3 install
Then in python :
import pyzim
import mmap
with open('icd10_fr_all_2012-01.zim', 'r+b') as f:
with mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ) as mm:
h = pyzim.Header(mm, 0)
print(h.articleCount) # 290
urlPtrList = pyzim.UrlPtrList(h.buf, h.urlPtrPos)
clusterPtrList = pyzim.ClusterPtrList(h.buf, h.clusterPtrPos)
d = pyzim.Dirent(h.buf, urlPtrList[100])
print(d.url) # 'CIM-10: groupe H10-H13.html'
print(d.title) # 'CIM-10: groupe H10-H13'
cluster = pyzim.Cluster(h.buf, clusterPtrList[d.clusterNumber])
print(cluster.get_blob_data(d.blobNumber)) # b'<!DOCTYPE HTML SYSTEM "HTML32.DTD" >\n<html>\n<head>\n<title>CIM-10: groupe...`
Also have a look in the tests directory.