Entity Master
Formation grid sourcing (cli upload, s3, dropbox)
Formation Assignment
Well Spacing
Implement WellStats
- wellbore_crow_length
- wellbore_direction
- wellbore_bearing
- wellbore_dls_roc
- lateral_dls_roc
- wellbore_dls_mc
- lateral_dls_mc
- nearest_prospect
- dist_to_prospect_mi
- nearest_api10
- dist_to_company_well_mi
Implement WellLinks (to RRC)
Capture material changes in allocation well count month over month
Incorporate DrillingInfo well data
- Run task endpoint
- calculate frac_parameters -> gen, gen_name
- RequestRouter for provider requests input: const.DataType, const.Provider, const.HoleDirection output: PathComponent
- Set httpx timeouts
- Refactor jsontools and ext.orjson to jsonlib
- Standardize log messages
- Normalize Area/Provider related tables when incorporating drillinginfo. Change Area to ProviderArea and add providers.IDMaster.
- Datadog metrics
- Request/Response logging middleware
- unit tests for config values
- Chord GeomExecutor -> ProdExecutor -> WellExecutor(use local geoms and prod_headers)
- parse wells.sub_basin
- wells.county_code losing leading zeroes
- ip_tests missing duration and duration_uom
- note about custom pytest markers