Releases: labexp/osmtracker-android
Bug fixes:
- Export to Documents folder
- Correct update date of traces and OSM update date
- Export file names format
- Optional label in export filename.
- Share traces as zip with including the trace and associated multimedia files.
- Preview, edit and delete waypoints.
UI Enhancements:
- Large text compatibility
- New map design
- Trace separator in the list.
Language translation updates (thanks translators!)
Nightly Build
Nightly build for OSMTracker
Version 2024.07.09
- Switch to Oauth2
- Multiple segments per track functionality.
- update translations (de, no, nl, el, da, ar, pt_PT, fa_IR, tr_TR, cs_CZ, zh_TW, fr_FR, tr, vi, zh_CN, ta, sv, sr, sr@latin, sk, pt_BR, ru, ko, nb, lt, ja, kn, hr, it, gl, hu, fr, es, ca, fi, fa), thanks translators!.
Bug fixes:
- Export tracks and custom layouts in scoped storage in android 11+.
Known bugs:
- Take photos in traces is not working
Fix the issues requested by Google Play to list OSMTracker again
Version 1.0.1
Bug fixes:
- Export track.
Version 1.0.0
- Share GPX
- Record barometric pressure
- Support for Kotlin
- Cool intro to OSMTracker.
- Track name included in the GPX files
- New message when all tracks are exported
- Updated translations.
- Code migrated to AndroidX library.
- Minor improvements in Track Manager.
Bug fixes:
- Default names of tracks and files follow ISO-8601
- Directory with exported files has the name of the track
- Minor fixes on export track
- Upload to OSM and downloading custom layouts.
- Fix the map scale.
Version 0.7.2
Please make sure you have a compatible device. This version runs on Android OS 4.1 or newer.
New preference: Minimum distance between subsequent track points
Open keyboard automatically when creating a note
The bug that deletes the saved tags before save the trace is solved
New translations from Transifex
Do not allow empty string in min_logging_distance
Adding new icon in the bottom space in the main screen
Fix the problem when download a new layout after the export gpx directory changed
Fix display of background maps
Ask for permissions before display track
Request storage permission when exporting tracks any time
Request permissions when upload a trace to OSM
Scale-up map to be better readable on high DPI displays
Set track width in map view to 0.5mm
Include the track's tags and description into the GPX file
Request GPS permission before start TrackLogger Activity
Version 0.7.1
- Fix minor bugs.
- Change “New track” message in main screen.
- Add GPS logging distance option.
- Motion detection, minimum distance between subsequent track points.
- New languages available (Only ISO codes):
- et
- he
- sq
- Some languages improves (only ISO codes):
- ar
- ca
- cs-rCZ
- da
- de
- el
- es
- fa-rIR
- fi
- fr-rFR
- fr
- gl
- hr
- hu
- it
- ja
- kn
- ko
- lt
- nb
- nl
- nn
- pl
- pt-rBR
- pt-rPT
- ru
- sk
- sl
- sr
- sv
- th
- uk
- vi
- zh-rCN
- zh-rTW